Chapter Five

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TW: Blood/cutting

Chapter Five

"No, you're going to fuck me." Lyra demanded. Tom, eyes wide, let out a huff of air.

"Fine. Slut." Tom growled, pulling her legs closer to his hips. He pulled out a small switchblade from his pocket, and clicked it. It spiked up into the air with a loud snap, sending millions of shivers down Lyra's spine. "But it's going to fucking hurt." Lyra gulped, but nodded. "I need fucking words."

"O-okay." With Lyra's affirmation, Tom proceeds by dragging the cold knife down her chest. Lyra's breath hitched at the fear of getting cut, but she knew that was the point of the blade. Tom stopped the blade when it reached her abdomen, moving it to her inner thigh.

"Don't fucking move." The tip of the blade came in contact with her left thigh. Beads of blood flowing down her leg. She bit her lip to try and stop the screams that hid deep in her throat. Tom squeezed her thigh, watching the blood flow heavily down her leg. He put his mouth on her calf and began licking up her leg. Lyra threw her head back, breathing rapidly. His tongue licked up the streaks of blood, savoring the metallic taste of her. His tongue reached her cut, and Lyra winced in pain, as it brushed over. Tom's mouth cupped the cut, lightly sucking and drawing blood from the wound. Lyra threw her head back, gasping at the delightful pain. Tom continued to toy with the wound, making Lyra wet. Tom removed his lips from her thigh, a bruise already formed.

Tom stood, looking at Lyra. He noticed the puddle of wetness that pooled between her legs. He smirked down at her, and roughly pinned her shoulders down.

"That's what does it for you, eh?" Tom teased. "I'll make sure to cut you more often then, but now I'm going to fuck you." He seethed, starting to unbuckle his belt. Tom took off his trousers, and Lyra's eyes widened at the size of him, unsure if she can take if. As if Tom read her mind, he replied. "You won't be able to handle me." Tom aligned his tip with her entrance, smashing his hips to hers, giving her no time to adjust. For the millionth time that night, Lyra threw her head back in pain and pleasure, loud moans escaping her mouth. She bit her lip to try and stop her screams but Tom proceeded to slap her for doing so.

"Don't fucking hide those delicious moans from me ever again." Tom snapped as he continued ramming into her. Lyra couldn't come up with something to reply with, as the euphoria took over. Her hold body shook as Tom repeatedly slammed into her g-spot. Within a few minutes, Lyra couldn't take it, and released herself on Tom's dick.

"Too much already?" Tom mocked. "I haven't even came yet." Tom still forced their hips together, overstimulating Lyra. Lyra was through the moon with ecstasy, unable to focus on a single object. Her vision blurred as he continued to fuck her mercilessly. She felt herself clench around Tom's cock, cumming for the second time. Tom was close as well, with Lyra's hips bucking back, he came.

Tom fell on top of Lyra, resting his face in between her breasts. "You were good, darling." Tom panted. Lyra, still dazed, was unable to realise that Tom had been nice to her. Tom was too tired to care, though he could go several more rounds if he had been sleeping. Tom slowly dazed off, still laying on top of Lyra. Lyra soon doze off as well, taking in the sweet moment that she knew she'd never get with Tom again.


"You fucked Tom?!" Dorea yelled, surprised that Tom had enough emotions to even consider a quick fuck.

"Shut the fuck up, Dorea!" Lyra yelled back, throwing a pillow at her.

"Sorry- but what was it like? Not that I want to know, I'm very satisfied with Charles. I was just- just wondering." Dorea stammered, making Lyra giggle.

"Shut up Dorea, I know you want to know." Lyra rolled her eyes, but smiled. "He was very.." Lyra paused for a moment searching for the right word to use. "..harsh."

Dorea's eyes widened, "Did he hurt you?"

"Oh. Uhm, no. He is just very passionate."

"Oh thank Merlin! You need to be careful. If I were you, I'd walk away. Next thing you know, you're dead. But, I've obviously not you, and you obviously aren't going to listen to me." Dorea frowned, taking in all the possibilities of her getting hurt by the boy.

"I know Dee, and if it makes you feel better, I think I'm going to focus on Nott."

"Oh my. That makes me feel so much better. I worry about you, you know? Plus, he doesn't like people like us." Dorea stood from Lyra's bed, and walked toward the door.

"What do you mean?" Lyra asked, unsure of what Dorea meant.

"The mudbloods and their blood traitor pals." Dorea clarified, before walking away, leaving Lyra in a mild shock. She knew that he called her a blood traitor but she figured it was because he was riled by the sex. She never would've thought he might've been serious.

Lyra walked out of the room shortly after Dorea, heading towards the Great Hall to welcome new students. She made three steps before she was pegged up against a wall, again.

"Seriously Tom, this gets annoying." Lyra huffed, trying to push him off of her.

"Shut the fuck up, Desai." Tom hissed. "You're taking up Nott now, huh?"

"Maybe, why is that any of your concern? Why are you listening to my conversations?"

"I overhear, and you're not anymore. I thought I showed you last night what happened to girls who misbehaved."

"Well, I guess you are going to have to teach me again later." Lyra hissed back, shoving past him, and making her way to the great hall.

A/n: Short chapter but, I have an assignment due at midnight sooooo...

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