Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"It's Riddle." Tom's deep voice echoed, shaking the floor that Lyra stood upon.

"Oh, just give me one second!" Lyra called, desperately reaching for her clothes.

"No." Tom mumbled, storming into Lyra's room. He stared at Lyra's naked body, but didn't flinch. He crossed his arms nonchalantly, leaning against the door frame

"Riddle!" Lyra shrieked, running into her closet.

"Calm down, Desai. You act as if I haven't eaten you out." Tom sighed, tucking his hands into his trouser pockets.

"Well, it's been a month since our last encounter, so sorry if I feel distant, Riddle." Lyra hissed, coming out of her closet fully dressed.

"Ah yes, when you were so shocked because I didn't love you that you didn't mourn the loss of your friend." Tom mocked. "How tragic."

"Warren wasn't a friend, and Balmer just wanted to fuck me. I guess I wasn't really attached to them." Lyra sighed, grabbing her boots from her closet and lacing them.

"He wasn't the only one that wanted to." Tom smirked, walking toward her.

"No, Tom. I don't want to be your toy." Lyra scolded, turning to face Tom.

"I'm going to fuck you, and if you don't cum, I'll leave you alone." The deal was enticing to Lyra. She knew she could keep her composure. Tom wasn't that riveting.

"And if you cum?" Lyra proded, testing Tom.

"I won't. You're not getting dick, Lyra." Lyra. Her name stung her. Before Lyra could say a word, her arms were pinned above her head on her bed frame.

"Strip, and get on the bed." Tom growled, turning away and unbuttoning his shirt. Lyra removed all her clothing, but left on her knee socks to tease Tom. Tom turned towards Lyra, his top half bare, and winced.

"Oh? What's this?" Tom seethed, forcefully pulling Lyra down towards the edge of the bed by her thighs. His strong grip on her made her whimper. "Can't follow simple instructions whore? Trying to arouse me?" Tom bellowed, moving his large hands to her breasts. His fingers twisted her nipples, making her squirm, and unable to answer. "Answer the question!" Tom roared, making Lyra tremble.

"Y-yes." Lyra stuttered, squeezing her thighs together to relieve the pulsating feeling between them. Tom's hands separated her thighs, and his mouth planted on her upper thigh. His teeth scraped down until it reached the hem of her socks. He hooked his mouth on it, pulling it down, doing the same to the other side.

Lyra's pussy was already dripping, and yearning for his mouth.

"Riddle-" Lyra shuttered. Tom leaned over her, his daunting gaze piercing her eyes.

"What. Do. You. Want." Tom snarled, a hand slapping her breasts. Punishment for interrupting him.

"Please-" Lyra begged, unable to make coherent words.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

"You don't have to ask twice, love." Tom's hand went from her breast, and slowly dragged down her chest, reaching her core. Tom's thumb toyed with Lyra's clit, making her throw her head back.

"Oh, and you were so confident you weren't going to cum for me." Tom sighed. "You're going to be my whore forever now." Lyra shivered, she was going to become his forever. No love, but at least they'd be together.

"Fuck- Riddle." A sudden finger pushed into Lyra's slit, a loud moan escaping her lips.

"You're going to cum. I'll make sure of it." Tom growled, a finger pumping in and out of Lyra.

"Riddle- Just like that." Lyra moaned, her hands tangling in her own hair. Tom slipped another finger in, making Lyra arch her back. "Shit-"

"You can't handle this deal, darling." Tom smirked, pushing his fingers farther into Lyra.

"Shit- Riddle." Lyra wailed, unable to control herself. Tom was earning her to her high, and they both knew it.

Tom's fingers pumped faster, and he felt Lyra's pussy throb, he curled his finger, hitting her g-spot.

"Fuck- I'm coming." Lyra screamed, and her body filled with ecstasy. Tom's finger pumped slightly through her high, but he removed them and sucked them clean.

"You taste good, but you still came. You are mine now." Tom smirked, as he buttoned up his shirt.

Lyra laid on the bed, breathless, at a lack of words.

"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at midnight."

A/n: Long awaited, but had now arrived. Enjoy.

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