Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Astronomy Tower, midnight. The only thought that plagued Lyra's mind as her friends talked over tea. The tea was cold and spiked, the conversation dull. Nothing really much to listen to.

"Are you okay, Lyra? You seem dazed." Irma worried about her friend. She had been lost without her sexual encounters with Tom. Though, Irma didn't know that they were back.

"Uhm, yeah." Lyra answered, brushing off her recurring thoughts of him. "Yeah, just tired. Has anyone got the time?"

"11:50." Anxiety rushed through Lyra, she didn't even notice who announced the time. She immediately stood up, forcing her jacket on. As she ran to the door, she knocked over the tea.

"Oh, sorry. I got to go." Lyra rushed, splitting out the door within seconds, not offering an explanation to her friends. She just left.

Lyra booked it down the halls, each step causing a loud thud on the ground. She wasn't even wary of the professors that could have been lurking the halls. Lyra would not want to upset Tom further. She still, and will forever love him.

Quickly running up the stairs, she heard faint footsteps pacing around. Worried, she slowed her steps, her heart beating rapidly. She was anxious, trembling. Lyra's feet met the last step up, her eyes staring into Tom's. He was enraged. He wasn't this morning.

"What did you do?" Tom shouted, pinning her to the wall by her shoulders. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He screamed, slamming a hand next to her face. Fear. Love.Always fear and love with Tom. Lyra feared to love him, but she feared not to.

"W-what do you mean?" Lyra stammered, tears pooling in her eyes. His stare was deadly. A serious one. A cold one.

"What do you mean?" Tom mocked, wiping a fallen tear from her face. "You slipped me a love potion, didn't you?" Tom's hand rested on her face, moving down. He lifted his hand and struck her cheek. A scream escaped Lyra, Tom's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, Lyra. I didn't mean- This is what I mean. I care about you."

"Tom that's normal." Lyra sniffled, her hand caressing her bright red cheek. "You should care about me."

"It's not for me. I'm not supposed to be able to love, Lyra. But yet I have the symptoms."

"Symptoms? Tom, those are emotions. Not everything is based on books, and accurate stimuli." Lyra explained, walking closer to Tom. He didn't care that she called him by his first name.

"I don't have emotions." Tom argued. A false argument. He knew it was false, but he needed to combat his feelings toward Lyra.

"You have emotions. You have anger, lust, sadness, and now love." Lyra reached to cup Tom's cheek, but he pushed her hand away.

"No. I can't trust you. You'll leave. You'll leave me." Tom was vulnerable. A show no one has seen. Lyra gazed at him wide eyed before earning the courage to speak.

"I won't leave you. Ever." Lyra promised. A promise made of fear.

"You will once you see what I have planned." Pain and fear coursed through Lyras veins. It was the only thing keeping her from fainting.

"I don't think so, I love you. What are your intentions?" Lyra gulped, this time Tom accepted her hand.

"Can we just dance?"  Lyra spoke none, she just took in Tom's request. She calmed as they danced. His steps soothed her. "You remind me of the stars." Tom whispered as they swayed with the wind.

"And why's that?"

"Because with everything we've been through, they are still there. With everything I tell them, they don't leave." Tom's words quaked Lyra. She felt numb, but numb of happiness, she finally got what she wanted.

"World domination." Tom flatley spoke, as he pulled away from Lyra.

"What?" Lyra asked, nearly laughing at his sudden burst of words.

"That's what I want. Be my queen. We will run the world, a pure one." Tom explained his planned future. One where he was in charge, where he got everything he deserved.

"Tom. What? That's not- that's not reasonable." Lyra's heart was in her throat, her stomach on the floor. This wasn't what she imagined.

"You said. You said you would never leave." Tom protested, a tear falling from his eye that he quickly shrugged off.

"You want to wipe out the majority of the population!" Lyra yelled, hoping to earn some sensibility from the man. Her best friend was a muggleborn, how could Tom expect Lyra to drop that?

"Lyra. I- I understand." Tom ran a hand through his hair, reaching a hand into his pocket.

"So you're just going to drop your plans for me? Instantly?" Lyra stammered, tearing looting from her face. Tom cupped her face harshly, staring into her red, puffed eyes. He eyed her lips before planting a soft, yet passionate kiss on them. A kiss that Lyra wasn't familiar with. Tom took a few steps back, looking at his beloved.

"One final kiss. I love you." Tom pulled his wand from his coat, pointing it at Lyra.

"You don't have to, Tom." Lyra pleaded.

"Goodbye, darling." He whispered. "Avada Kedavra!"

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