Chapter One

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Chapter One

Tom wandered down the frigid halls of Hogwarts, a wand steadily held in his hand. The tip was the only thing that shined in the shadowy corridor as he made his way towards the library, reaching the door. His large, veiny hands, wrapped around the gelid metal of the handle, burning him ever so slightly from the cold. A shiver rolled down his back, but he shook it off and he entered, the door letting out a small creek while closing. He quietly cursed at the damned door, and proceeded towards the back of the library; the restricted section.

Tom had managed to charm Slughorn into telling him about one of the wizarding world's most mysterious and dangerous types of magics. Horcruxes. According to Slughorn they were one of the most hazardous and perplexing sources of magic, but Tom was a great wizard. He knew what he wanted, and it was simple. World domination. He wanted to be the new Merlin. In his mind, he believed that his ways were the true ways. The ways of the wizard, per say. He knew no muggleborns, and he intended to keep it that way. Half bloods were indecent, but were better than mudbloods. As he continued to walk toward the restricted section, he felt his heart flutter. As if it were saying, 'stop what you're doing, your faith is flawed.' Nevertheless, he ignored it, he felt his heart flutter when he would hurt the other boys at his orphanage. It would never stop him.

Tom brushed his hands against the books, as he looked for a particular one. The Chamber of Secrets. He needed time to prepare for what he planned this year. Professor Dumbledore had convinced Headmaster Dippet to let Tom stay during summers. Tom was a prefect, head boy, and kept a good reputation, though he knew Dumbledore was onto him.

School started in one week, he didn't have much time to prepare, but he had enough. The boy grabbed the book, and trotted back down the Slytherin common room. Though he didn't need to, being the only student here, he made his way to the prefects room. He sat at his desk with the stack of books he had. Basilisks; How to Train Them, Horcruxes, and Dark Arts, sat on his desk. He knew deep in the chamber, a basilisk hid. He wanted to teach it to kill. Not just anyone, but the unworthy. The mixed. The ones who don't deserve magic, as it is not in their blood. It would petrify them, leaving them unable to move. There hasn't been a cure yet, they are as good as dead.

Tom studied the books practically all night, retiring to his bed once he had read every single page from every book. Although, he didn't sleep, for Tom hadn't slept in weeks. He laid awake, planning, plotting how he was going to make sure the wizarding world remained pure. A thought emerged in his brain, which made him quickly get up from bed and check his calendar. Yes, he was to meet the new prefects for the other houses tomorrow, as they came a week before school started to help the professors get ready. He quickly picked up his room, hiding all of his prohibited books, and malicious papers, storing them all in a locked cabinet inside his closet.

After cleaning, he carefully looked at the paper of all the prefects, making sure he knew all of their blood statuses. The list read, Slytherin: Tom Riddle, Lucille Parkinson, Gryffindor: Dorea Hermes, Charles Potter, Ravenclaw: Lyra Desai, Reginald Balmer, Hufflepuff: Ethan Abott, Priscilla Zabini. He knew of everyone on the list, the only mudbloods were Hermes and Balmer, and knowing them would make an easier kill.

He knew when he was going to open the chamber, two weeks into school. He would hopefully petrify all the mudbloods in time by Christmas break, so the rest of the year he could dedicate his time to his studies. Completing being perfect.


Tom walked into Dippet's office, taking in the atmosphere. It was tense. The room had already split into the groups of friends, though Tom had none. People viewed him as too harsh, although the women fawned over him. Tom chose to stand on the side of the room with the muggle borns and their acquaintances, a strange sight, but to kill your prey, you must know its weakness. He spotted Desai, Balmer, Hermes on his side, quickly eyeing each. As he eyed Desai, she felt his gaze on her, and their eyes lingered for a moment, staring at one another. Parkinson quickly caught onto the two and decided to intervene.

"Hey, Riddle, why don't you come over here with your fellow Slytherin?" Lucille batted her eyelashes at the dashing man, drawing her hand out to him.

"If you want to be next to me so bad, you have legs. Use them." Tom growled, not looking up to meet her eyes.

"I think the problem is that she's already used them too much." Lyra snickered from across the room, earning an audible laugh from a few. Even a slight smile that glossed over Tom's lips showed that he found her comment amusing. Lucille let out a gasp, walking over to her prefect partner. She huddled close to him, but he moved to the side, avoiding her touch. Lyra snickered to herself as she witnessed Lucille trying her hardest to earn Tom's interest.

"Don't laugh, next thing you know she'll storm over here and speak her mind." Dorea chuckled.

"But her mind's empty, Dorea." Lyra laughed loudly, earning a hard glare from Lucille. "What? Care to speak Parkinso-"

"Enough, Ms. Desai." Headmaster Dippet spoke as he walked into his office. "Thank you all for being here as we start the new year. You are our prefects. Two of you, one boy and one girl, will be our Head Boy and Head Girl based on your performance today." Tom already knew that it would be him and Parkinson. "You will be paired into groups, distinct houses and genders." The group of students let out a slight groan, but the Headmaster ignored it. "You will be given a task, and whoever completes it with the best ability, gets Head Boy and Head Girl." He pauses for a moment to pick up a piece of crinkled parchment from his desk. "Your pairing are as listed. Reginald Balmer and Priscilla Zabini, Dorea Hermes and Ethan Abbott, Lucille Parkinson and Charles Potter, Lyra Desai and Tom Riddle."

A/n: Hey sorry, its kind of a lame chapter, maybe another one tonight! Thank you for reading. Vote comment idk if you want-

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