Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Riddle?! What the fuck?!" Lyra yelled, quickly getting herself dressed. Tom walked around her, eyeing her like candy. He knew what he did, and he was going to get away with it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, princess." He used it. He used Alex's nickname. He knew, he knew it all.

"Fuck you, Tom." Lyra yelled picking up a jacket she found on the floor, and stormed out the door. The jacket wasn't hers.

"Desai! Get back in here now, you brat." Tom chased after her, but Lyra could care less.

"No. I'm fucking done with you." Lyra stopped and turned towards Tom, the look in her eye was murderous. "You can't fucking- understand that I don't want the world to know we are were having sex."

"It wasn't the world, darling." Tom smirked, a hand slithering to her waist. "It was just one person who deserved to know his place." Tom, using the hand that wrapped around her waist, pulled her close. Lyra wanted to dive in and kiss him, but she'd be giving in, and that's what he wanted. He wanted her to be his, and only his.



"Whatever this is Riddle, is over." Lyra broke from his grasp, and made her way to the Slytherin common room, forcing away all her thoughts about Tom.

She speedily walked into the common room, ignoring all the looks she was given.

"Desai? What a nice surprise." Roderick spat, rolling his eyes. "If you're here to be a bitch again, he's in his room." Nice. They all knew. Fucking Riddle.

"I didn't fucking do anything!" Lyra yelled back.

"Yeah, just fucking your partner while you're..boyfriend was there." Roderick scoffed.

"We aren't dating, Lestrange. Get your shit together." Lyra walked away, and ran to the dorms, hoping not to run into any other people.

Lyra approached Alex's door, and banged on it, hard. The door opened with a jolt to an angered Alex. One Lyra hadn't been too familiar with.

"Oh, here to tell me how your endeavor with Riddle was?" Alex scolded, trying to close the door. Lyra pushed it open with her hand and walked into the room, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Alex, listen." Lyra began.

"No. You fucking listen!" He shouted, slightly startling Lyra. "You fucking lied to me. You made me think that you two weren't- weren't having sex." Alex sighed, running a fast hand through his hair. His sleeves were rolled, and frankly, he looked very attractive.

"It's just-"

"No. I understand. He's manipulative, and a truly horrible person. But yet you like that." Alex exhaled, taking another breath before continuing. "As if a man like him could ever do you any good, my queen." Alex mocked, angered not only with Lyra, but with himself. He wanted to be good enough for her.

"Alex, I understand your upset-"

"Upset? No, no. You've got it all wrong, Desai." Alex smirked. "I'm going to fuck you. Consequences, princess." His voice flowed like silk, but Lyra knew she couldn't do this.

"No, we aren't going to do this. No matter how much we want to. It's not fair to you." Lyra insisted.

"Oh? Too tired for a round two?" Alex mocked.

"Fuck you." Within an instant Lyra's lips were pressed to his.

"Mhmm. Eager are we?" Alex teased, rubbing her clit through the small amount of fabric from her pajamas. Alex tugged on the jacket, noticing the stitching on the left stated Riddle.

"Are you fucking serious, Lyra? Can't even wear your own fucking clothes?" Alex snarled, taking the jacket off of her and ripping it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. Please Alex. I swear, I just ran out of them to come and see you." Lyra cupped his cheeks trying to get him to focus through all the adrenaline.

"No. I've had enough. Lyra, I can't fucking be with you when I know your in love with Riddle."

"In love? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I've seen the way you look at him. It's the same way I look at you. A smile, full of eagerness." Lyra didn't believe it. She knew she had feelings for Riddle, but it couldn't be love. He would never love her back, it was always a losing game with him. It had always been.

Lyra stormed out of the room, not concentrating on her love for Riddle, but Riddle's love for her. If he had any. Which Lyra knew he didn't. He was a child of fake love, he couldn't love. Unless for a torn page of a book, but Lyra knew it was impossible. She ran out of the Slytherin common room, making her way back to Head Tower, she shivered as the night air pierced her skin. She made her way to the door of Tom's dorm, knocking on the wood with enough force to make her knuckles bleed.

"Salazar fucking Slytherin, what do you want?" Tom hissed as he opened the door. He stared at the shivering girl, inviting her in and handing her a coat. "Next time, dress adequately."

"Riddle." Lyra shuddered, taking in a deep breath.

"Yes?" He asked, eyeing her concernedly.

"I think I love you."

A/n: Hey! Hopefully you like it, it was very rocky and I'm sorry. It'll make more sense eventually. I started working, and I still have school so I'm very dead 😀. I'll try and post with the same schedule but I don't really know. Also, TikTok is being a bitch, so I can't upload sneak peaks but heads up, it's gonna get a little lonely for Lyra in the next few chapters- 🤭

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