Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"She's not interested, Abbott. Take the hint."

"Ooh, not very friendly, are we Tom? I was just teasing her anyway. Not interested, sweet cheeks." Ethan smiled.

"I could tell, Tom's just being dramatic." Lyra giggled, rolling her eyes at Tom.

"So, tell us more about Nott, Desai." Priscilla smirked, feeling the tension of the room.

"Ooh, okay. Well, he's tall, and his hair is really fluffy." Lyra explained, turning to the girls. "And don't even get me started about his hands." She squealed.

"Oh merlin. This is why I'm bisexual." Ethan chimed, everyone else giggling.

"What about you, Hermes?" Lyra prodded, earning a blushed glare from Dorea.

"No one." Dorea firmly asserted, though it didn't fool anyone.

"Hmm. Not even Potter?" Lucille crooned, Dorea turning to the shade of an envy apple. Dorea quickly glazed at Charles, who gave her a subtle wink.

"Not even me?" Charles whispered into Dorea's ear, making everyone gasp, and chuckle.

"I got to go." Dorea quickly scurried off, Charles following behind her, who gave us a small cheer before leaving.

"What about you Balmer? You've been awfully quiet." Lucille asked.

"I'd say Desai." Reginald proudly smirked. Lyra glanced over at Tom who rolled his eyes at Reginald.

"Ooh. Don't push your luck, Balmer. She's a tough one to get. So I've heard. Anyone care to comment?" Ethan snickered.

"Oh the only person who would be able to comment is Nott." Lucille gossiped. "Isn't true you two..last year?" Lyra coughed, and grew red at Lucille's observation.

"Uhm, yes. We did." Lyra choked. Tom made eye contact with her, as if to say that'd be the last time he'd touch you. Oh how wrong Tom was. Reginald lowered his head at Lyra's words, jealous.

"Ah, no wonder you're so obsessed with him." Tom scoffed.

"Don't be envious Tom, it's not a good look on you." Lyra fired back, feeling the rage that poured through Tom's veins. As his rage increased, the conversation soon fled, leaving Tom and Lyra alone.

"What was that about, Desai?" Tom seethed as everyone abandoned the Great Hall, the pair leaving to their rooms in an awkward silence.

"What do you mean?" Lyra innocently asked, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, and smiling.

"You- you tried to see if I would get jealous." Tom chuckled, running a hand through his hair. He quickly ran his tongue on the inside of his mouth, then laughed. A laugh full of venom. One that sent shivers down Lyra's spine. One that made her uneasy.

In an instant, Lyra was pushed up against the wall again. He snaked a veiny hand to her throat, gripping it tightly. "Tom, this pushing me against the wall, and gripping my throat...gets tiring." Lyra smiled, increasing the tension in the room. "Boring." Lyra bit her bottom lip, looking Tom up and down. Tom pushed harder on her throat, anger written throughout his whole body. His posture was demanding. Strong. "You should find something new." Lyra ran her tongue against her teeth, staring up at the provoked boy.

"You want something new, Desai?" Tom hissed, gripping her wrist and hauling her down the hallway. "You fucking asked for it." Fearfully, Lyra went with it. She was dragged down the halls, the paintings gossiping as Tom pulled her to his room. He forcefully pushed her onto his bed, slamming the door behind him.

"This is what you fucking get for being a brat." Tom slowly approached Lyra, leaving her speechless and flustered. "Take of your fucking clothes." He demanded, but Lyra didn't move. Instead she shook her head no, unable to make a noise. "I'm not going to tell you again. Now, undress yourself." Within an instant, her clothes were off. She sheepishly tried to hide herself under the covers, but Tom ripped them from the bed. "Don't fucking hide your body from me." He growled, his hands moving to her hips. She lightly squirmed underneath him, pushing his buttons.

"Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?" Tom gripped her hips roughly, moving his head down to her neck. He harshly kissed her, a mark left everywhere his lips touched. Every nibble he took, another moan emitted from her lips. His lips trailed down her stomach, as Lyra tugged on his shirt.

"Get your filthy blood traitor hands off of me." Tom ordered, and a light gasp escaped Lyra. She hadn't known his political stance until now, and she wasn't necessarily pleased. But she was pleased with the thought of him in the moment.

Tom took off his shirt, even though he never intended too. It was all to please her. A girl who didn't immediately run when they saw his true colors. How egregious he truly was.

Lyra's hands traced over his abdomen, but this time Tom invited it. Her hands went to his back, as his kisses got lower. Her nails dug deep, as his lips connected with her heat.

"F-fuck, Riddle." She moaned while his tongue dove deep inside her, briefly touching her g-spot. She moved her hands to his hair, pulling on the dark strands. To her surprise, he was not phased with her touch.

Tom separated his tongue from her slit, and inserted a finger instead. She screamed and arched her back in pleasure, taking in his fast thrusts.

"That's right. Take it you slut." Tom barked. With just one of his large fingers, she felt herself coming to her high. Tom quickly removed his finger from her pussy, Lyra sighing in response. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to cum?" Tom seethed, gripping the inside of her thighs. Lyra nodded in response.

"Use your fucking words, Desai. Or I'll have to put that pretty mouth of yours to work."

"Y-yes." Lyra stammered, hands on Tom's chest as he stood tall, in between her legs.

"Too fucking bad. Get out!" Tom yelled, pointing at the door.


"What?" Tom fumed, raging at the naked girl.

"No, you're going to fuck me."

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