Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Oh, don't- cry, princess. I'll make you feel good too."

After Lyra pleased Alex, it was up to Alex to fulfill his promise. He pushed her onto his bed, taking his tie, and tying her wrists to the headboard. Lyra slightly winced as he pulled it tight.

"Don't worry, love. I know what I'm doing." Alex reassured. His lips trailed down her chest, sucking on it and ripping off her bra. His hand went to the hem of her skirt, pulling it and her underwear down. Leaving her fully exposed to him. Her face blushed, and she sheepishly tried to cover herself.

"Don't cover yourself, princess. You're beautiful." Alex hummed, and he trailed two fingers down her abdomen. Already flustered, Lyra's eyes fluttered as she grew impatient. Alex's hands went to her thigh, and he gripped them both, she lightly winced. The cut was still raw, and bruised.

"I know he did this to you, and this time I'll let it slide. Only because I want to taste you. Right now." Alex growled. He lowered himself to align with her core, and pressed her lip to her cunt, slipping his tongue in.

"F-fuck, Nott!" Lyra moaned, gripping his hair tightly by its curls. His tongue flicked around magically, making moans slip out of her mouth. Alex lightly hummed against her clit, sending vibrations deep through her. Lyra bucked her hips at his mouth, earning for more. Alex quickly replaced his tongue with a finger, and started to thrust into her.

Lyra threw her head back at the sensation that his finger brought. As Alex slipped a second one in, his mouth collided with her breast. Euphoria was the only feeling Lyra could feel. There was no anger or lust toward Tom. Everything she had, went to Alex. She was his.

His fingers pumped fast, tearing apart her insides. As Lyra reached her peak, Alex curled his finger, hitting her g-spot.

"FUCK- Alex-" She screamed, pulling tightly on his curls. As she came all over his fingers, he continued to pump. Overstimulating her for a moment, but he quickly removed them.

"For you to cum a second time, there's a price." He growled, shoving his fingers deep into her raw throat. As a natural movement, she sucked on her own cum that drenched his fingers. "Good girl." He seethed, bringing his lips to hers.

Lyra stood to leave, but Alex who laid next to her pulled her down. "Stay. Please." He begged.

"Okay." Lyra smiled, she never earned this affection from Tom, but she cuddled close to Alex. Close enough to hear his heart pounding in his chest. It was music to her ears. Enough to make her sleep instantly.


"Fuck. Alex! We're late." Lyra yelled, tripping over the blankets, trying to get dressed.

"No..Five more minutes." Alex groaned.

"Alex. It is 8:20. Classes start in 10 minutes." Lyra grumbled, quickly getting herself dressed, and charming her clothes into robes.

"Shit." He jolted from his bed, and dressed himself. "You don't have your books." Alex worried.

"I have time to get them, but I have to go right now. I'll see you in class." Lyra hurried, planting a fast kiss on Alex's lips.

"Okay, see you." Alex smiled, but Lyra barely heard it. The adrenaline coursing powerfully in her veins. She ran to Head Tower, and grabbed her book from her dorm. She came out, right as Tom did.

"Oh? Here now. Couldn't come back last night?" Tom prodded.

"Shut the fuck up Riddle, I've got to get to class." Lyra sped past him, but to get her wrist snatched by him once again. "You really need new moves-"

"Shut up. Stop- Stop being with Nott." Tom ordered.

"I don't think so. He doesn't abuse me, so I think I'm good." Lyra smiled, pulling away from his grasp. "Bye bye, Tommy." Lyra walked away but was stopped by Tom.

"Want me to abuse you? Here." Tom slapped her.

Lyra stood astounded. It didn't make her mad, it turned her on. She couldn't show that though, she should be with Alex. Alex would never do that. Alex wouldn't torture or hurt her, but yet that's what Lyra wanted.

"Get to fucking class, Desai." Tom pushed her toward the hallway and let her walk along. Lyra focused on class, as she should. She managed to get to Slughorn's class on time. And sadly managed to get a seat next to Alex, who was yet to notice that burning red handprint on her face. She covered it with her own hand, and tried to charm it.

"Corium." She whispered, pointing her wand on her cheek discreetly. She felt the burn slightly go away, and risked taking her hand off her face. She turned to face Alex, but all he did was smile. It worked. The charm worked.

"Mr. Slughorn? Can I borrow Ms. Desai for a moment? It's for the Headmaster Dippet." Tom's voice plagued the class.

"You don't have to go, Desai." Alex protested.

"I'll be okay." Lyra reassured him.

"Why yes, of course." Slughorn dismissed. Lyra unsteadily walked over to Tom, her bag in hand.

"What do you want?" Lyra seethed, as soon as she stepped out of the classroom. For a moment Tom said nothing, but then he forced his lips to hers.

"You." Tom growled. "I want to fuck you. Now."

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