Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Lyra sat comfortably on the black leather couch as she waited for her friends. With her, she brought a liter of Fire Whiskey that she bought over break. She figured she'd pace herself, but they would use it all tonight. Their parties were always intense. There were dangerous and sexual games that always ended with someone pissed off. And there were always fourteen kids, drunk and high out of their minds.

"I thought you were going to come to my dorm?" A cool breath whispered on her neck, making her hair stick up.

"I thought I'd make you work for it." Lyra managed to choke out, as the boy sat next to her. He offered an arm around her, and she dove in. Embracing his warmth. No one was as kind as Alex.

"That won't last long, princess." He whispered into her ear, and he brushed her hair with his fingers. "I promise."

"Oh, well you two got cosy." Ethan scoffed while walking in with Priscilla and Lucietta, who undoubtedly brought weed.

Lyra tried to pull herself away from Alex, as she got uncomfortable with Ethans comment.

"Don't let that dipshit bother you, love." Alex cooed, as he brought her closer. Lyra could feel his muscles, and she let a hand run against his chest, feeling him.

"I didn't know you two were together." Lucille smiled as she walked in with Roderick, Orion, and Ascella. They all carried a bag of chips, and more alcohol.

"We aren't-" Lyra began.

"Ah yes, bring the booze over here!" Charles cheered, with Cedrella and Dorea behind him. Each was carrying a soda bottle.

Last, as usual, Tom walked in carrying nothing. He quickly glanced at Alex but moved his eyes to Lucille. Two could play that game, he thought. Tom sat next to Lucille, and brought her close to his hips. Lyra forced herself to look away and focus on Alex.

"Okay. What first?" Ethan beamed, sensing the tension of the room.

"Truth or dare!" Lucille called out. Lyra seated herself up, still close to Alex.

"Okay, who's first?" Cedrella asked, pouring a cup of Fire Whiskey for everyone and handing it out.

"I can go." Irma cheered as she entered the common room.

"Late as usual." Lucietta smiled. "Who do you choose?"

"Lyra, truth or dare?" Irma smirked, sitting herself next to Lucietta and Orion.

"Ooh, me first." Lyra smiled, taking a sip of her Fire Whiskey before starting. "Dare."

"Ooh dangerous. I like it." Ethan teased.

"I dare you to seven minutes in heaven with..." Irma scanned the room, mainly looking between Alex and Tom. "Riddle." Lyra slightly groaned as she stood up away from Alex.

Tom remained seated. "Too much of a wimp, Riddle?" Lyra mocked.

"Shut the fuck up." Tom growled, pushing Lucille off of him, and walking into the closet with Lyra. The door shut, and the seven minutes began. They stood in silence for a moment, Tom too proud to speak, and Lyra saw no reason to speak.

"Why are you with Nott?" Tom hissed, breaking from his stubbornness.

"None of your business." Lyra coldly spoke.

"It's not like I care, I'm just wondering why you are wasting your life on that man. Roderick would be better than him." Tom huffed.

"Well, you seem a little jealous there, Riddle." Lyra pried, testing the vicious man.

"Why would I be jealous? I don't care if Nott has my seconds." Tom scoffed. The time was up. Lyra walked out and Tom followed behind, both of their faces were blank.

"So? What happened?" Ascella budded in.

"Lyra was too much of a prude to let me do anything." Tom bellowed, sitting himself next to Lucille, who was too happy.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked as Lyra sat down next to him, hiding in his arm.

"Mhmm." She quietly mumbled.

"So, Lyra who's next?" And the game went on. It's getting deeper and deeper.

"Okay, I know. Prewett. Truth or Dare?" Dorea asked.

"Truth." Lucietta sighed.

"I'm the only muggleborn of the group, and you clearly have a hate towards them. So honestly, what do you think of me?"

"I hate you." Lucietta began. "You're the only mudblood in a group of purebloods. Like a fish surrounded by hungry sharks. You're going to get eaten soon."

"Thank you, Lucietta, but that's enough." Charles protected.

"Yeah, thanks. I'm glad I got to know how you truly feel about me." Dorea smiled, completely unfazed at what happened. It was like she would always say, you can't choose your blood, but you can choose who to be and love.

"I think that's out cue, princess." Alex whispered into Lyra's ear. She nodded and the two left toward his dorm, the only one watching them was Tom.

Alex gently shut the door behind him and took no time to smash his lips to Lyra's. They kissed in sync, Alex spinning Lyra so she was straddled on him, while he sat on the edge of the bed. Lyra giggled and the sudden movement but quickly focused her attention back onto him. Their lips broke away from each other, and Alex's lips trailed behind Lyra's ear, and dove into her neck. He left pigmented bruises down her neck and chest. He toyed with her shirt and quickly got it off. He stared at her chest, her breasts filling the cups.

"Wow, your fucking beautiful." Alex groaned before diving back into her chest. Lyra's hands dove into his head as she tried to bring his face closer to her chest. His hands went to her bare waist, where they gripped tight enough to leave marks. Lyra wanted to dominate, so she placed wet kisses down his neck, her hands playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"Take *kiss* your *kiss* shirt *kiss* off." Lyra groaned between kisses. Alex laughed at her difficulty, but quickly removed his shirt. Lyra trailed her hands down his abdomen, placing two fingers into the hem of his pants.

"Ooh dangerous. I like it." Alex mocked Ethan, but Lyra ignored it.

"Let me make you feel good." She teased, rubbing her palm against his bulge through the fabrics. He lightly bit his lip, but let her continue, tying up her hair into a makeshift ponytail with his hands.

"Okay, princess. Show me what you got." He growled. Lyra played with his belt, but his strong hands gripped hers. He pushed them off and dropped his pants on his own. He was large. Lyra's eyes widened. She already knew his size, but getting accustomed to it was sure to never happen. She grabbed his length, placing lip lips on the tip of it. She twirled her tongue against the tip, knowing it would stimulate him. He groaned and lightly bucked his hips at her mouth, making his dick glide in. He wasn't even halfway in and Lyra gagged. His lips formed a cocky smirk. He got impatient with how slow she had been going, so he grabbed her head and slammed it towards his hips. Lyra gagged hard as she was face fucked, tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, don't- cry, princess. I'll make you feel good too."

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