Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Lyra- fuck." Tom groaned as Lyra's mouth choked on his dick, her small hands pumping the base. "I'm going to make you- feel this good, slut." Lyra smiled as his demeaning words, missing his touch. His hips bucked towards her face, making her gag. Lyra focussed her attention on the tip, making him cum into the back of her throat. The sperm filled her mouth, but she was yet to devour it.

"Swallow it." Tom growled, gripping her face tight, his rings burning her skin. "Swallow it like the whore you are." Lyra felt the hot liquid go down her throat, looking up at Tom as she finished.

"My turn. Get on the bed." Tom hissed, kissing now her neck before forcefully pushing her onto his mattress.

Lyra laid herself on his bed, already knowing to put her hands above her head. She was naked from the waist up, but was fully naked within the seconds that Tom saw her. Her legs trembled, eager to feel him inside of her. Tom toyed with his tie, pulling it tight as he tied her wrists. Lyra gasped as she felt a cold blade run now her chest, slowly going over her nipple.

"R-riddle." Lyra mumbled, pushing her legs together to relieve friction.

"Yes, my whore."

"I want to ride you." Tom's eyes lit up, but not with joy. He didn't intend to give her any sort of dominance.

"No." He growled, pulling off her jeans in one swift motion. He used his teeth to remove her underwear. His tongue glided down her leg, an involuntary moan slipping her lips. Tom smirked at his success, running his thumb against her clit.

"Oh, so wet for me." Tom praised, forcing a finger deep into her cunt.

"Fuck- Tom." Lyra screamed, pulling on the ties. Her hips bucked against his finger, yearning for more.

"So needy, love. But I always give you what you want." Tom seethed, adding another finger into her pussy. Lyra loudly moaned, her chest rising. Tom pumped his fingers faster, making Lyra squirm. Tom's free hand moved to her breast, squeezing and kneading. His knuckles twisted her nipple, a silent groan was earned out of Lyra. Tom pumped harder, twisting his fingers inside of her, making her reach her high.

Tom locked eyes with Lyra as she came, making the tensions rise.

"I want-"

"What, love?"

"I want more, daddy."

Lyra jolted from her bed, rubbing her eyes dramatically. She had just had a sex dream of Tom Riddle. She desperately needed physical touch, though it couldn't be from Tom. If it was Tom, it would only make things worse. The school had already went through another murder, and Lyra was fairly certain that Tom had something to do with it. Petrified corpses were displayed all over the infirmary, the medical supplies not being enough to supply all of them.

Lyra sat up, and inhaled the sweet air that surrounded her. It was full of the potent smell of Tom's cologne. She had never noticed how the smell had polluted her room until she didn't see him for weeks on end.

She missed his touch, but she missed him most of all. Her love for him, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't seem to fade. It was there, never leaving, chewing gum stuck to her shoe. She wished he had felt the same, and maybe they could start a life together.

Lyra imagined the life they would live. An adventurous one. One that didn't have children on their horizon. One full of mystery and travel. The perfect life for her.

A deep thought protruded Lyra's head. Death. She knew of it, never seen it. She never wanted to see it, she avoided it at all costs. The Thestrals made no importance to her, she couldn't witness a person die. It was too much pain for her, their lifelessness.

Lyra pulled herself out of bed, adjusting her clothing that had ruffled because of the spontaneous dream. It had been weeks since their breakup. It wasn't a breakup since the two were never together, but it always plagued Lyra. She was truly obsessed with the man.

In fourth or fifth year she couldn't even imagine herself behaving like this with Alex, the person she was supposed to end up with. Everyone thought that Alex and Lyra would end up together, they seemed perfect. Then Tom came, wreaking havoc on Alex's plans. Lyra couldn't complain. She had fallen into a deep romance with Tom, though it was one sided. But what isn't one sided?

A sudden pound at the door shook Lyra from her deep thoughts. She groaned as she walked towards her door, looking a mess.

"Who?" She talked at the door before opening.

"It's Riddle."

A/n: It's short asf but I can't get anymore innnnn- I'm lazy and my ex is still stalking me- matter of fact I have to see him tomorrow for a party so wish me luck 😫 Lets hope he doesn't confess horniness and his love to me this time. 😀

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