(dream x reader) Thanks, Tommy

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Pronouns: they/them

CW: cissexism and some cussing

Pairing: Dream x reader

Y/n's POV

An annoying dinging woke y/n from their slumber, groggily tossing their arms up trying to shut off the noise coming from their phone. When they realized they couldn't reach over to their phone, on the nightstand, they sat up grumbling and turned the alarm off.

"Y/N GET THE FUCK UP, DAD MADE BREAKFAST," Their kid brother yelled at them from outside their door, rapping his fist over the wood. They yawned and stood up, going over to their door and locking the handle.

Going to their dresser they took out a simple black t-shirt and black jeans. After getting dressed they unlocked and opened the door and just missed walking into their big brother going down the hallway. "Morning Y/n," He yawned, putting his long pale pink hair in a pony, before entering the kitchen at the end of the hallway.

"Morning," They grumbled before dragging their feet to the bathroom door. Brushing their teeth and brushing their hair. They looked at themself in the mirror, noticing the bags under their eyes but ignoring them. They walked back into the hallway to the kitchen, going over the threshold to see three of the four other members of their family sitting at the table.

They sat down next to their father and started eating the waffles he had laid on the table.


Hearing footsteps behind them, they turned to see their other brother walking into the kitchen, phone in hand.

"You going to pick up Toby, Wil?" Their father said looking at his son.

"Yep, Tommy wanna come?" Wilbur asked looking at the youngest across the table.

"Hell yea, let me just finish-"

"No time! Bye Tommy!" Wilbur yelled turning to the front door.

"Just speedrun breakfast, Tom," Techno said from beside y/n.

Tommy shoveled the food into his mouth and ran to the sink, putting his plate in and bolting out the door after Wilbur. Y/n laughed at their kid brother, eating the last bite off their plate and getting up. They busted their plate and turned, "Bye Phil, bye Techno. Cya tonight," Y/n waved at the remaining of their family and walked to the door picking up their book bag.

"Oh, Y/n?"

"Yea?" They said turning around.

"Tommy left his backpack, could you drop it off at his school?"

"Yeah no problem," They huffed and grabbed their brother's backpack slinging it over their shoulder. Fucking idiot Tommy, they grumbled. Walking back out the door and closing it, they walked to their car. Opening the driver's side door they got in throwing the two bags in the passenger seat and driving down the road. Once they got to their brother's school they looked around in the parking lot for their older brother's car. Not seeing it yet they went to park the car near the office building. They looked towards the gate waiting for the familiar small yellow car to turn into the school when their phone started buzzing. They looked at the caller ID and answered immediately.

"Y/n, do you have Tommy's backpack?" They heard Wilbur's voice echo through their phone's speakers.

"Yep, Phil noticed he left it and told me to go to Tommy's school. You almost here?"

"Yea, right down the street, uh one sec. TOMMY YOU LITTLE PRICK STOP MESSING WITH MY BEANIE!" Y/n burst out laughing and commented,
"Tommy I have my own classes to get to, stop being so forgetful!"

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