Karl - Spectation AU

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This is an Inbetween AU - 


It is sad really.

Reality.. It's a sad thing.

When you realize how much you really matter.


If you matter...


Confused, that's how I felt when I saw him for the first time. His multi colored sweatshirt stuck out in the white. No, it didn't stick out per se, it looked wrong. It didn't fit. It was unsettling. It was Real.

I furrowed my eyebrows, fixing the white cloak that adorned my shoulders and tossing the hood over my head.

He looked confused, for the most part. The time traveler looked around, expression a mix of fear and curiosity. Nobody, really, saw a whole world devoid of color. Just pure white, blindingly pure.

And that's why he didn't fit. He was not white with his tanned skin, brightly colored clothing and brunette hair, beautiful, caring soul. He was different, different from the colorless void of the Inbetween, where everything was numb and empty.

Any time traveler that accidentally found themselves here lost themselves here. All having turned pure white, clothing slowly being bleached by the bright white sun constantly reflecting off the marble walls, hair, skin, and eyes losing all color, humanity stripped away and memories wiped. Lost in the sea of time, getting stuck because they forgot their time. Wiped from history.

But he was different. Different from the soulless bodies that walked the halls of the Inbetween. He was young. All time travelers that found themselves were old, hair already growing white, memories already fading slowly. They all had lived. He didn't even get the chance.

To him, the Inbetween probably seemed like a beautiful new world to explore and study with his curious young eyes. He didn't know the truth, yet.

I follow him as he makes his way around and I hear him whistle as he touches one of the many walls. I flinch at the sound, not having heard anything but the white noise for centuries.

He smiles to himself, sliding his fingertips against the marble as he walked, watching his reflection glisten against the stone.

I smile slightly, I haven't seen anyone so warm in so, so long. 

I busy myself in trying to figure out his age, not exactly a teenager but not exactly an adult. At least, adult to the extent that he lost his childish tendencies. His happiness. I envied that, his easy smile and wide, excited eyes.

I follow him silently, just a whisper in the wind as he explores the castle.

I see his expression changes a bit, drops a tad, smile faltering at the edges. He tilts his head, staring at something in front of him. I follow his gaze, the smile on my face instantly drops to a sad frown.

It had found him already. It already laid its greedy, bloodthirsty hands on his shoulders.

A small pedestal slowly rose from the ground, one of the journals floating a little above the ground and a wither rose slightly higher.

He walked forward slowly, making sure he was still safe before lightly grasping the silky leather that protected the pages in between.

He gently opens the book and I float down to read over his shoulder.

It read:

Karl Jacobs

Welcome to the Inbetween

This is a place for you to feel at ease, your safe here from your reality

It is a place for you to rest after time traveling

Make yourself at home

Karl, huh..

He looks slightly confused at the words, as they all do. It was magic, after all, being transported to a random dimension after being in the past or future, then being handed a floating book.

He gently lays the book back down, taking a step back, and watches as it rises back into the air. After a few seconds of silence, the marble pedestal sinks back into the ground, going a little further before a slab slides over it. The slab clicks into place and then evens out so you cant see the lines where the pedestal came from, just smooth stone.

"That was," I look at him then, his voice takes me by surprise as he looks for words to describe his first visit here, "Strange?"

A ghost of a smile trances my invisible lips for a moment as I watch him look around a bit more.

I notice it before he does, his feet and hands going slightly transparent.

He was going home.

I watch silently as he takes one last look around, before disappearing.

I can only hope he is safe in his current reality, and that I see him again soon. 


This is an idea i had a few weeks ago at like 5am or smth, i am actually really proud of how i wrote this BUT there wont be any updates too it.

If there is another writer that stumbles on this, you can continue this however you like if you have any sort of inspiration for it.

Just please mention me.

there should also be a oneshot coming out later this week or early next

anyways, have a good rest of your day - THANK YOU FOR 5K READS BTW THATS CRAZY

<3 - Rosie  

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