Tommy x reader - fluff

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Pronouns: she/her

CW: besides cussing, bc Tommy, there is just fluff

Pairing: Tommyxreader

a/n - there isnt even any cussing, i just realized i wrote about tommy and there aint no cussing whats wrong with me

Y/n's POV

He had been streaming for how long again, four hours? This is crazy. Y/n sat on the couch in Tommy's house, downstairs as her boyfriend streamed with his friends. Because they wanted to be careful about their lives, outside of the internet, they had decided that Y/n would stay out of his streams. Basically cutting her out of half his life because he streamed almost daily. She yawned as she checked twitter, seeing nothing new and being bored out of her mind, she threw her phone to the end of the couch. She sighed and flopped her head onto the pillow behind her.

Tommy's dog, Betty, walked over to her and sat down next to the couch, laying her head on Y/n's stomach. She giggled and patted the dog on the head, zoning out for a few minutes before Betty ran to the front door and started barking. Tommy's mom had gotten home from work, and what looked like grocery shopping as she put bags of food on the kitchen counter.

"Hey, Y/n," She said, Y/n peeking her head over the couch to look at her, "How's your day,"

Y/n yawned again, "Pretty good, oh and I already ate so you don't need to make me a sandwich," she said as Tommy's mom took out bread and ham.

"Alright, because that boy can't seem to do anything for himself could you run thins up to him when I finish making it?" Y/n nodded her head as Betty walked back over to her, demanding head pats. She smiled as she scratched the dog's head, sitting up to grab her phone.

Tommy's mom came into the room, a sandwich wrapped in a paper towel in hand, and gave Y/n the small meal.

"How long has he been streaming for?" She asked as she walked back into the kitchen to put the ingredients back.

"About four hours," Y/n said as she texted Tommy that she was about to head up to his room.

"It seems he streams for longer and longer every day at this point," His mom said as she finished putting everything back into the fridge.

"Yea it does, doesn't it," Y/n said, pocketing her phone and standing up. She walked to the staircase and went up, heading for Tommy's door at the end of the hallway. She knocked three times, hitting the door hard twice and one soft, her sign to Tommy that it was her.

"IM STREAMING, IM STREAMING," She heard him yell and giggled to herself. He told his stream that he would be back in a second, turning off his camera and muting his mic, before running to his door and opening it. Y/n looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, sandwich in hand, and walked under his arm and over to his bed.

"Motherinnit said you couldn't look after yourself and told me to deliver you this food," Y/n said, handing him the sandwich after we closed his door and walked over to her, "So here and I'm staying in your room because I have been downstairs for four hours and don't feel like being alone anymore," She stated.

Tommy took at food then looked back at her, "Sorry, I didn't realize I've been up here so long," he rudded the back of his neck, opening his arms awkwardly. She smirked and stood up, hugging her boyfriend tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed for a second then let go.

"Promise you'll end stream soon?" Y/n looked up at him, laying on his bed.

"Yeah, I promise," He rolled his eyes, "You're so clingy," He smirked and looked back down at her. She glared up at him and he quickly turned around and sat in his gaming chair. He turned back to his screen, clicking his keyboard a few times, and yelled,

"IM BACK, WITH FOOD FROM MOTHERINNIT!" He had a big smile on his face as he chatted with his stream for a few minutes. Y/n looked at him, she loved it when he was happy, meaning she would sacrifice her time with him in order to see his smile. That was something he lucked out in when they finally started dating, someone who understood that most of his friends were online. Y/n would occasionally chat with Tubbo and Wilbur when they weren't streaming and heard when they teased Tommy for being a simp. She loved how passionate he was for his streams and with his friends. Why she put up with not seeing him for days on end because he was so worn out after a long stream.

"Just killed a woman, feelin' good," Tommy said, rather loudly, making Y/n raise her eyebrow at his. He glanced over at her for a second then started dying. She had to hold in her laugh, as to not alert his stream of her presence and continued typing to one of her friends. Soon he ended his stream, looking over at Y/n who was passed out on his bed. He smiled and went back to his screen, chatting with Tubbo about the SMP lore for a bit before logging off.

He walked over to his bed and layed down next to his girlfriend and in her sleep, she turned around and hugged his side. He smiled down at her, kissing the top of her head, and wrapped his arms around her. He turned them so he was spooning her and pulled up his covers.

They fell asleep like that, and the author could give less of a shit how sappy and short that was because it's 1:44 am and she needs to sleep because she has school in the morning.


T h i s   i s     n o t     p r o o f r e a d

<3 - Rosie

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