dream sister au [written on my phone]

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Uh this will be deleted in like an hour so read at your own risk lmao
I wrote it at 4am on my notes app because I didn't bring my computer camping
The grammer mistakes are many and few between and there is a shit ton of misspellings
I'm inly posting it rn so my friend can read it really quick so she can check the idea
I might make a full story out of this but idk yet

"What even are we to you?" I ask, staring at the emotionless mask, searching for any hint of an explanation.
"What are you to me?" Dream asks, tilting his head, "Everything and nothing,"
I stare at him dumbfounded for a moment as my patience slowly wares thin.
"What the hell does that even mean?" My voice wavers, looking at Ranboo and Techno to still see their faces staring at the ground.
" Well.." He trails off, "Your a form of, entertainment, if you will,"
"Entertainment?" My lip quivers, my gaze trained of Ranboo for any sort of response but he stayed frozen in place.
"Yes of course," Dream answers, the happiness and pride lacing his words confuse me.
"How are we entertaining?" I try, turning to stare at the smile again.
"Well," He the mask moves up slightly, imitating how a human would look up to the right when thinking of an answer, "All your problems, moral dilemmas, ties of love and hate,"
He looks to me again, "they really are pointless, though I guess that is the way of humans,"
"Yeah, I guess it would seem that way to someone-" I cut myself off,
"Something that cares for nothing but power,"
He hums in response, the mask slowly moving back to its original position to stare down at me.
Its silent for a moment and my eyes slowly trail back to Ranboo, the enderman hybrid looked on edge. His feet were frozen in place together on the ground, making his tall slim figure resemble a pole. His ears downturned, tail wrapped around his leg like he usually does when he's anxious or uncomfortable.
" y/n," He says, mimicking the gentle but firm tone of a parent trying to get a distracted child's attention.
I stare at my boyfriend for a second longer before turning towards Dream again.
"Ties of love and hate," He quotes himself, the mask tilting a bit, inquisitive, "You wouldn't be here if Ranboo wasn't here, you care nothing for Techno," he trails off again, his tone echoed a question.
As though getting an answer from stoney expression he gives a verbal 'oh'.
"You do care for Techno dont you, all because your 'boyfriend' trusts him,"
My eyes look towards the pig hybrid for a moment, guilt piercing my heart as I stared at him. Never before had the competent fighter ever looked so destroyed. His shoulders slumped, his hand barley grasping his sword, he looked like a soldier given the news of his family's death.
"Guilt?" Dream asks, my eyes turn back to him.
"Why would you feel guilty for Techno?" He asks, "you took no part in his capture, nor did you have the knowledge that i was after him,"
I stare at him, anger slowly building up in my chest.
"Now your angry, however not at me,"
He was correct, I was angry at myself, though he pointed it out before I could even think the thought.
"Why would you be angry at yourself?" He asks, "Maybe because you were as helpless as he was, because you could offer no help, because you weren't able to warn him,"
He spitballed, none of his statements hitting home.
"Or maybe, because you feel you should be in his place, so he could protect Phil, Tubbo, Tommy, and Micheal. As you have proved time and time again that you are worthless in said field,"
"Shut up," I mutter, hands clenching into fists at my side.
"This is what I meant by entertaining," Dream said, contempt dripping from his voice, "your all just so easy to trick,"
"Why is this entertaining to you?" I ask, fear now forming a ball in my chest.
"I have other ways of manipulating your responses to things," he says, "would you like to see?"
I shake my head, turning to stare at the ground.
"Well, you really have no say of what I do," He says smugly, ignoring me.
I stare up at him again, worry churning in my gut.
"Please dont do whatever your about to do," I plead, knowing I had no say didn't stop me from asking.
"Whats the most entertaining about all this, is watching everything transpire through the eyes of a little enderman," He says, "and being able to control what he does without his knowledge is even more so,"
"The hell do you mean?" I ask, already peicing together what he was about to say.
"His little enderwalk state, as you have stated calling it, is me," he says, "all the expirements he has been working on, me,"
A stare at him, then to Ranboo.
"When he attacked you, almost killing you in fact, that was me. And it was just so fun watching him tear himself apart with guilt while Philza and Techno helped you. Watching him drown in sorrow, close himself behind steel bars, it was amazing,"
As I stare at the  mask my peripheral vision catches movement, making me turn to look.
Ranboo slowly lifts his head, first looking at Dream and then me, his eyes betraying the sadness in his head.
I watch in horror as his red and green eyes slowly turn purple, his face morphing to a stone cold expression.
"Being able to control those around you into doing your own bidding is amazing," Dream says, "and watching everything be torn apart from there, even more so,"
Ranboo tail unwraps itself from his leg, lashing as he starts towards me.
"Ranboo no," I take a step back, raising my arms to protect myself.
He teleports in front on me, making me jump.
"Please," I mutter.
He ignores me, taking a step and stopping.
He turns to look at Dream, body freezing in place.
"Kill," are the only words the green bastard orders before disappearing, along with Tecnno.
Slowly he turns back to me, his eyes back to their original colors.
"Ranboo?" I ask tentatively, my hands slowly lowering.
His eyes gloss over and kneels down, curling in on himself.
A quiet sob comes from his mouth and his shoulders shake.
"I'm sorry, y/n, so sorry," he repeats.
"Ranboo," I kneel next to him, slowly putting my hand on his back.
He flinched at the contact and I draw back.
I sit there a for a moment, letting him calm down before trying again.
"Is it alright if I touch you?" I ask, crossing my legs to sit more comfortably.
He nods a little and I do so, slowly tracing little pattern on him back with my fingers.
"Its okay, your gonna be okay," I say, gently brining my fingers to the nape of his neck and playing with the ends of his hair.
His body moves towards mine, slowly falling over into my lap.
His head rests on my thigh, chest over my lap and his legs curled close around mine.
"Its okay," I whisper, still brushing my fingers through his hair.
After a while his sniffles become short and far between, small hiccups making his body shake slightly.
His arms untangle themselves from my lower leg and he turns his body so he can hug my middle.
"Hey," I smile, "there he is," his eyes examine my face, new burns from his tears drawing lines down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry," he says, turning his head to nuzzle his nose into my stomach.
"You had no control over what Dream did to you," I mumble, playing with his hair still.
His head moves unconsciously towards my hand as I play with his bangs, one of his hands moving from around my body to play with the hem of my shirt.
"You should be the one having a panic attack" he mutters, finally lifting his head to look at me in the eyes, "you were the one being taunted Dream,"
"And you were being mind controlled, have been for months," I say, meeting his gaze, "dont downplay your reaction to trauma,"
"But you don't even have a reaction," he counters, "its not healthy to repress everything like you do,"
"I'll have a panick attack later when I recount everything that happened today," I answer truthfully, "Its what always happens,"
"But," I boop him on the nose with my pointer finger, effectively shushing him.
"Nope," I smile a bit, "I'm just glad your back with the me,"

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