Chapter 14. A Dangerous Secret

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Brandon let out an annoyed growl when his cell phone wouldn't stop ringing. It wasn't the phone he normally used to talk to his family and friends which meant something was about to go down tonight and it couldn't have come at the worst of times. He smiled at Kaylee who sat across the table from him. She looked so beautiful tonight dressed up for dinner at the sophisticated restaurant he'd taken her too. It wasn't usually his thing, but for her, he was pulling out all the good stuff.

"Sorry baby, I think I got to take this," he told her. He stood up and walked outside the restaurant noticing the curious look she gave him.

"This better be worth it, I'm in the midst of wining and dining my future wife here," he told the twins. They were the only ones who would be calling him on the phone.

"Sorry Bran, we got trouble and we need you right now," Bryan told him.

"Aww fuck guys! Now?!"

"Now, Brandon," Darren said in that cold demanding tone of his.

"Must be really bad if he's pissed off," Brandon told Bryan. "Where are you? Look never mind, I'll use the phone's tracking device to find you. I'm not leaving Kaylee at the restaurant, I'll take her home and then I'll join you guys."

"Just get here as soon as possible," Darren told him and hung up the phone.

Brandon snapped his phone shut. "Fuck," he cursed again angrily and sighed. A few days ago, they'd had a breakthrough, Kaylee had kissed him. She'd kissed him! He wasn't the one prone to sentimental thoughts, but he had to admit, it had changed his life, at least his view on life. He knew she didn't quite trust him yet, which was why he was working so hard to earn it. Now he'd have to make up some lame excuse and rush her out of the restaurant which he was sure she'd be suspicious of, but what could he do? Luckily, they'd just finished eating.

Twenty minutes later, Brandon pulled up to the mayor's home where the twins had one of their headquarters hidden at. If this concerned the mayor, then this new job was in the city. He didn't like that, any trouble in the city put Kaylee and his family at risk. This was their home after all.

He spoke to the mayor, a tall middle age white man who was just beginning to bald and let him lead him to the office located in the basement of the mayor's house. Jay was there along with the twins. If Jay was here that meant even more trouble. Jay worked for the twin's father and the government. He had helped Taylor research Kaitlyn's background before he hired her as his assistant and was there for him when she was kidnapped. He was a brilliant and dangerous hacker, there was nothing he couldn't get into which was why they were all glad he was on their side.

Jay had long black wavy hair and was incredibly lanky and pale, what he lacked in muscles and body mass, his genius mind made up for it. Brandon called him a living computer. The man had no life outside his job, he slept and ate in front of his computer. His brown eyes were sharp and narrow, a big contrast to the round black spectacles he wore. Dressed in torn jeans and a stained t-shirt, it looked like he hadn't changed clothes in days. And why should he, since he had no reason to go outside.

"What's going on?" Brandon asked Bryan.

"They're at it again," Bryan told him. "Hackers are trying to disrupt the entire security system. Jay is counteracting their attacks, but we're going to have to go in and find their asses. If they destroy our programming, they'll have entry to every business we cover including homes."

"And don't forget the public transportation security system you're just beginning to cover," the mayor told him. "Who knows what they could do if they hacked into it and took over?" Which was why they were at the mayor's home. Anything concerning the city, the mayor needed to know about.

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