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They were all at the restaurant enjoying a good meal and drinking as much as they wanted. They'd manage to sneak away from their obnoxious controlling men and meet at a restaurant on the pier. They lounged outside enjoying the evening and watching the sun set on the bay.

"Freedom, how I've missed you," Mia sighed enjoying the sun against her skin.

Kia stared at her mom curiously. Everyone had a glass of wine except her. She kept ordering cranberry juice. "Mom, why aren't you drinking? You're usually the ring leader..."

"Someone has to be the designator driver," Mia smiled and winked at her.

Kia raised her eyebrow suspiciously.

"You're know they're going to find us sooner or later," Kaitlyn said.

"And they're going to be pissed," Kaylee told her.

"Don't give a damn," Mia replied. "Enjoy it while you can girls." She held her cranberry juice, which had been poured in a wine glass, up and they all toasted.

"Are they're always going to be like this?" Kaylee asked. "I know Brandon is overprotective, but he's gotten worse, unbearable really."

"Yes, they're going to be like this for a while," Kaitlyn told her. "It's only been six months, we got what like...I don't know...four more years to go?"

Kaylee nearly spit out her wine.

Kia laughed.

"How are you getting along with the twins, honey?" Mia asked since Kia had now deserted her apartment and moved in with them.

"Well they didn't give me much of a choice about moving in with them, but I got over it. I actually like living with them. They cater to my every need, what more can a girl want?"

"They feel guilty about making you move," Mia shook her head. "They know how much you loved that apartment."

"I've come to the conclusion, I'm stuck with them...why even bother to fight for independence..."

"Independence doesn't mean you have to live on your own. They're letting you open your first start-up company. That's going to be your money not theirs when the dough starts rolling in."

Kia grinned. "I know...I'm so excited and I promised them I'd pay them back every cent even if they refuse to take it."

"They are quite stubborn aren't they?" Kaylee nodded. "I wanted to pay them back for helping me with my magazine company, but they refuse."

"And how's that coming along, Kaylee?" Kaitlyn asked her.

"Great! Thanks so much for helping me with it. You, Taylor, and the twins giving me advice and steering me in the right direction, it's already beginning to become popular."

"No problem, you are our daughter after all," Kaitlyn winked at her.

Kaylee smiled, then frowned... "Yes...and the twins are taking their roles as my big brothers very seriously, not only do I have to answer to Brandon, but to them also...it's quite...stifling..."

Kia burst out laughing. "HA! I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. You wanted them as brothers and now you got them."

"Yes, well I didn't think they'd literally turn into actual brothers. You know people say things like that, but don't really mean it...Brandon is enough and now the twins who are always calling me when I'm out alone because of Kanna!"

"Kanna!" All the women said at once in annoyance.

"Ugh, if only I can find a way to turn that damn machine off," Mia mumbled.

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