Chapter 22. Who Are You?

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The girls were afraid, very afraid. Actually they feared for their lives and it wasn't because of the fight they'd just seen happen, but getting caught after it was over by three of the most scariest men they'd ever seen who happened to be their boyfriends. The men surrounded them to protect them, blocking them off from the world with their bodies. Nobody could get through the steel muscles that surrounded the women, neither could they get out. They were trapped.

"You just had to interfere, Kaylee!" Kia scolded her in a half whisper as they faced their men who looked like they wanted to kill them.

"I was only trying to help. One of the bad guys was getting away so I stuck my foot from our hiding place and tripped him. It worked, didn't it?! He crashed on his face on the pavement, he even got a bloody nose before they caught him so score for me."

"You got us caught in the process!!" Kia told her.

"All of Brandon's friends are here!" Kaylee said peeping through a small gap at the large group of men surrounding them and waiting quietly for their next order from Brandon. They had formed a protective barrier as soon as they saw the girls. Whatever bullet was shot had to go through several bodies including Brandon and the twins making it impossible to hurt them. "How cool is that? Look there's Lucio. Hi Lucio!" Kaylee waved at him remembering him from the club, he had been quite friendly with her at the beach party too that Brandon had given to introduce her to his close friends.

The Italian wasn't sure if he should wave back, but finding her irresistible, grinned and waved anyway. Brandon knocked him unconscious for his trouble and glared at the girls. "Shut up both of you!" His furious voice echoed down the quiet street.

Kaylee stared at him in shock and then stared at the unconscious man on the ground at his feet. "You didn't have to hit him like that, Lucio is one of your best friends! Look Brandon, Darren and Bryan, I'm sorry we interrupted your role-playing game, but you don't have to be a jerk about it."

"Role-playing game?" Brandon managed to spat out. He was so angry he could barely talk.

"Well, yes a LARP, that's what you were doing right? Live action role-playing? I never would have thought you guys were interested in that sort of thing, but I actually liked it and wanted to participate. To tell you the truth, I've always wanted to play in one."

"You are crazy!" Kia whispered loudly trying to stop her friend. She couldn't believe Kaylee actually thought this was a game. Nothing about this was a game! The twins wouldn't be caught dead playing a game like this. They'd think it was cheesy and ridiculous for grown people to be acting like imaginative five year old kids, but Kaylee didn't know the twins that well and she was still talking like she knew what was going on. And while Kia admired her misled confidence, she was only getting herself in deeper trouble.

"Wow you guys sure know how to satisfy your egos don't you," Kaylee continued. "You must have rehearsed for this night because it was played perfectly! Brandon, even though you're big and strong, there's no way you can practically throw four men around like that and lift two of them in the air with just your bare hands. I mean no guy I know is that strong!"

"Umm...who the hell you been living with all this time, Kaylee? Brandon is scary strong you've just never witnessed it until now," Kia argued.

"Oh hush Kia. I haven't finished," Kaylee said on a roll. "And you guys," she pointed to the twins grinning. "You must have took some serious karate and self-defense classes to be able to move so smoothly and practically kill those guys without making it seem like much an effort." She clapped her hands and showed them fighting on her phone. "I captured this moment on my Iphone and I can't wait to post it on Youtube! You guys should be in movies!"

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