Chapter 27. Savages

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"I have learned a few things about the human nature of the men who created me today. I thought I knew them well, I was wrong. I have seen their determination, I've have experienced their annoyance, even experienced their anger, but I have never experienced this...." Kanna stated.

Kia coughed, a splatter of blood appeared on the handkerchief she held over her mouth. She paid it no attention as she struggled to sit up in bed and stare at several huge projections in front of her. "Oh my god..." she whispered and grabbed Kaylee's hand to hold whose bed was beside Kia's.

"This is not fury, this is not rage, those are normal human emotions that I am well acquainted with, what this is, is something beyond even my comprehension. It is not what the twins feel that worries me, right now I feel nothing from them, it is what they have become.."


"What...what's going on?" Kaylee asked as she wiped away a drop of blood trickling down her nose. "The it...on fire?"

"It looks like a war zone out there," Kia mumbled in shock.

They watched a helicopter circle over the top of their building. Kanna zoomed in to show who it was the helicopter was circling.


Brandon stood on top of their building, his long black hair flying violently in the wind. His shirt was torn, bloody, and hanging in pieces around his upper body exposing muscles that looked ten times their normal size. He let out a roar of pure rage before jumping at the helicopter and grabbing the bottom rails.

"Oh my god!" Kaylee yelled. "No!! What is he doing?! He's going to get killed!"

Kanna laughed. "You are worried about the wrong person.."

They watched as Brandon easily swung his body into the helicopter and then jumped out and watched it spin out of control into another building and explode.

"What that....did he just kill someone?!" Kaylee yelled.

"Brandon is protecting you from the hackers that are trying to get inside."

Kanna zoomed out to show them the hundreds of men gathered around the building on the ground. A few policemen were there, but most were tall muscular men dressed in black t-shirts or jackets and jeans. They all wore shades and they were armed. Kaylee recognized some of them as Brandon friends.

"I don't understand...who are all these people?" Kaylee asked.

"Brandon men, you wouldn't know anything about it, but Brandon also has a secret. Did you really think that club he ran actually paid his bills? Perhaps he'll tell you about it one day."

Kaylee looked at Kia who shrugged. "I have no idea what's going on," she told her.

Kanna began to show them a variety of pictures of what was happening or had happened to the city while the girls were sick.

"Nasty little criminals those hackers, they are getting quite vicious because they are getting desperate. The twins are honing in on them fast and taking down hundreds of them in the process. They are throwing every distraction they can at them even causing accidents to happen around the city, like derailing an amtrak train, a lot of people were hurt from that. They also scrambled the traffic signals throughout the city causing a lot of accidents, petty little bastards. I managed take over before they could do anymore harm."

"Where are the twins?" Kia wanted to know.

"I have lost contact with them for now. I'm sure they're okay. It happens sometimes if they go under a tunnel." Kanna grinned. "Let's entertain ourselves with the damage they've done to those hackers so far."

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