Chapter 17. The End of The Beginning

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Kia moaned when the person who was ringing her doorbell wouldn't stop. Couldn't a girl sleep in on a Sunday afternoon without being disturbed? She had finally managed to get away from the twins this morning by sneaking out while they were asleep. They had worn her out in more ways than one. They had dined, romanced her, took her shopping, and dancing, those guys could really dance, she had no idea they could be so smooth and light on their feet, and at the end of it all brought her back to their penthouse and broken their promise, the bastards. She couldn't even resist them.

The doorbell continued to ring. She knew it wasn't the twins. They would have barged in on her and so would her parents and brother. The only person that didn't have a key to her apartment was Kaylee.


She jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Kaylee stood there with a huge smile on her face holding what looked like a pie in her hand.

"Kaylee!" Kia grabbed her friend and hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Is there something wrong?" Kaylee asked with a worried expression. "Did those twins do something bad to you? Oh gosh...did they reject you!?"

"No, no! Nothing like that, I'm just so glad to see someone other than the twins," Kia laughed and pulled her friend inside. "They're so overwhelming sometimes, so larger than life. Spending two days with them, made me feel like I was the only other person on earth. They have a way of making you forget there are other people in your life."

"Wow! Is that good or bad cause it sounds kind of good, sounds kind of bad too," Kaylee said placing the pie on the kitchen counter.

"I've been trying to figure it out myself," Kia said. "I was wondering when you were going to come see my new place." She sniffed and smiled, her mouth already watering. "No you did not just leave that addictive apple pie on my counter. You know I end up eating the entire thing once I start."

Kaylee giggled. "A housewarming gift for you and a welcome distraction from your brother. He moved in with me yesterday and I had the hardest time getting away from him today to come see you. He still hasn't noticed I've sneaked out or else my cell phone would be ringing by now. He's too busy gobbling up my pie."

"Using food as a distraction, smart girl. I see you'll do just fine with my brother and I'm not surprised he's moved in, I'm surprised he didn't do it sooner. I saw this coming the moment you got the apartment," Kia shook her head. "Are you okay with this?"

"I'm fine. Your brother can be really charming in that cave man demanding way of his, if that makes any sense," Kaylee said as she looked around. "This apartment is so YOU Kia! I love how modern it is. Oh my gosh! Is that a hole in the wall with a vase in it? I've always thought it was so sophisticated to have a hole in a wall with a vase. And the cabinets have lights inside of them that shows off the fancy colorful glasses! I love it!"

Kia couldn't help but laugh. She hugged her again. "I miss you. I'm so glad you're here. I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer your calls over the weekend."

"It's okay, I knew you were busy," Kaylee gave her a wink. "But I was just so curious as to how it you...seduce them?" She stared at her with wide eyes.

Kia nodded. "Well it started off with me seducing them and then somehow got turned around with them seducing me."

Kaylee squealed in excitement and pulled Kia to the couch. "You got to tell me everything!"

Kia blushed. "Do you really want to know EVERYTHING?"

"Oh!" Kaylee covered her mouth and giggled. "But did they know...sleep with you?"

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