Part 2 - You're Going Where?

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Juggling life with a five month old daughter and a boyfriend which worked a lot wasn't easy. But I made it work for me. Making the best of a bad situation, that's how I like to think of it.

But nothing prepared me for today. Nothing prepared me for the day that Jason told me he was leaving me for three months so he could work away in Canada. Being pretty much a single mum with my boyfriend here was hard. I had no idea how I was going to cope with him being away for three months.

It's not like I could turn to any of my family since I had none of that left.

I could't rely on the other boys to help me because they all had families of their own to deal with.

And I couldn't really talk to any of the girls since they didn't really know how I was feeling. They had their husbands there for them at the end of it all. And they had their perfect little families. While I had nothing like that.

My life was just a train crash.

Nothing good had happened lately.

All I got was bad luck in my life.

Nothing ever changed for me. And it probably never will change either.

Is it too much to expect a life where I can have my own little family while relying on my family to be there when I need them most?

I guess if you're me, then I should expect nothing. I should accept the fact that things are never going to get better for me. I'm always going to be stuck in this circle where I get nothing but bad luck in everything that I do.

"Babe, where did you put my jeans?" Jason shouted down the stairs at me, pulling me away from all of my thoughts.

"Which ones? You've got several pairs..." I laughed.

"The pair which I had on yesterday!"

"Oh them. They're still in the washing machine, do you want me to put them in the dryer?" I asked as he appeared at the top of the stairs., holding Kaylee in his arms. She had a smile on her face and was making some noise which would probably make sense if I was five months old again. When Jason was here, he was an amazing dad to Kaylee and he treated her like a princes.. But, when he was away, all responsibility fell to me. That was hard.

"No it's alright. I'm sure I can survive without them..." he smiled down at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Will you stop worrying about me for five minutes. Come up here for five minutes and relax..." he said, motioning me up the stairs. I just did as he told me to do since this was the last time I would be seeing him for the next three months. The last time that I would be in the safety of his arms. The last time I'd smell his aftershave on his body. The last time that I would have his support with Kaylee. Until he got back home. In three months time.

I was completely alone.

As I got to the top of the stairs, there was a knock at the door. I didn't want to answer it but I felt like I had no other choice. I didn't know who it was going to be, especially since I wasn't even expecting anyone today. Tomorrow I was expecting people. But today. Today I was expecting to enjoy the day with Jason and Kaylee.

"Who do you think that could be?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.

"I don't know. It could be Siva or Max..." he suggested.

"Nah, they're all coming round tomorrow after you've left!" I giggled.

"Oh thanks. I leave and you throw a party..." Jason joked.

"Didn't I tell you? I always throw the best parites when you're not even here..." I laughed a little more weirdly than I should have done. Jason just gave me a strange look before laughing at me and walking back into the bedroom. Obviously thinking I would only be a couple of minutes.

I opened the door and my jaw hit the ground when I saw who was standing there. It was someone that I never expected to see here. Someone that had left me to manage withouth them for a long while now...

My dad.


So, here's the second part.

Hope all you lovely people that read this enjoy this part. Got something happening already. Tom is back but are things going to go well for them?

Love to know what you think.

Love to you all,

Em :)xx

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now