Part 9 - See You've Changed.

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"Amelia?" he spoke, almost questioning himself when he said my name. Like he wasn't sure if it was me or if he was mistaking me for someone else.

Nice to know that he remembers me.

His own sister and he can't even remember what I look like.

"That's me..." I replied sarcastically.

"See you've changed..."

"See you haven't..."

"Look, please don't argue. The reason James is here is because I want you two to talk, I've nearly lost you both once already. I can't stand the thought of losing you again!" dad sighed, stepping in between me and James to make sure we didn't kill each other or something like that.

Not that I would waste my energy on him in that manner. I would just wait for someone else to do it for me; far less effort that way.

I like that sound of that. Now just for it to actually happen.

"Sorry dad!" I muttered as I looked at him and saw the seriousness in his face, he really wanted us to sort things out and I knew why he did.

"Yeah, sorry Tom..." James also muttered, taking a step back from where dad was no stood.

"All I want is for you two to at least talk. I'm getting married and I want you both there, and I want the day to go perfectly. That means no arguments between the pair of you. Just for one day!"

"Tom, why don't we go out for a walk; take Kaylee with us?" Kesley suggested and I liked that idea.

I suppose me and James needed to talk to each other and attempt to sort our problems out. Even if it was only for my dad and it was for one day.

I was going to do it for him and make sure nothing went wrong.

It was my dad and Kesley's day; nothing should ruin it. Especially not me and James arguing with each other.

"Her coat at in the bedroom, do you want me to go and get it?" dad smiled at Kesley and she just nodded at him, before he disappoeared out of the room.

"Thanks Kels..."

"It's alright Am!" Kelsey replied with a kindness in her voice as she took Kaylee from my arms, and then she also walked out of the room, presumably she was was going to wait for dad to come back downstairs with Kaylee's coat so they could go out for a walk.

I sat on the sofa while James sat on the chair opposite me. We stared at each other but didn't actually say anything; it was an awkward silence where neither of us wanted to be the first to speak.

But it was hardly surprising. Especially after the way that we left things between the last time we had a conversation.

And after the things that were said.

There were some extremely hurtful things said to each other.

"So, who's the little girl then?" James asked.

"She's my daughter; your niece..." I shrugged like it wasn't really that important.

"And where is her dad then?" he asked. He was already trying to start an argument and we hadn't even been talking for five mimutes yet. This was going to be fun.

"He's in Canada, trying to get more money for us. He'll be back in a month and a half!"

"How have you been then?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. I've been brilliant since all my family left me to it and I haven't seen any of them in god knows how long, but yeah, I'm great. And you?" I replied, not even trying to hide the fact I was annoyed.

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now