Part 14 - Then I Now Pronounce You Husband And Wife.

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A/N -

Hey there guys,

So, it's been an exceptionally long time since I updated this story. In fact, it's been almost two months. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that this is the last part and then Made For Each Other is completely finished.

I just want to quickly thank all you that have continued reading the story and voting/commenting for me, even though I've taken ages with the updates - all I can do is apologise for that one and hope you can forgive me.

Hope you enjoy this part and consider it worth the wait in the end and, if you find it boring, then thanks for reading anyway. 

I love you all and I really do appreciate everything. I know I always say that on like every single story, but I really do appreciate it all and thanks for sticking by me throughout this story. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

If you always get bored, then I've got plenty of other stories for you to pick from.

Bye guys and thanks for everything. Love to you all.



A Year Later:

Amelia's POV -

So, here we are a year later, and everything is different from what it was when we last met. 

Kaylee is another year older, dad and Kelsey had a daughter which means I've got a half-sister and she's absolutely gorgeous. They named her Lucy Sophie Parker and she's almost a year old now. 

Dad and Kelsey got married two months ago, which was later than they first planned due to the arrival of Lucy, but it was worth the wait. It wasn't a massive wedding, but there were enough people there to make it an amazing day. They went off to Barceleno for their honeymoon and then, when they got back, they were back for two weeks before they went off to the Caribbean for three weeks on their first family holiday.

James has moved back down here and we see him basically every single day now, he even looks after Kaylee when me and Jason want to spend some time together without the worry of what trouble a four year old is getting into. He even got himself a girlfriend and they're very happy together.

You can't forget mum and Jay; mum has tried more than once to make me and James forgive her but it's all been a waste of time. James told her exactly what he thought about her and what she did to us when we were younger; dad had to pull him back at one point because he nearly punched Jay in the face - I did that one for my brother though after Jay made a comment about me being a poor mother and Kaylee being better off without me. The only time I was nice to Jay was at dad and Kelsey's wedding, and that was just for the sake of everyone else.

Turns out Max did have feelings for me and, had Jason not come back from Canada when he did, then Max has already told me that he would have made a move and attempted to get me to feel the same way about him - Max only moved on when I made it clear to him that I didn't feel the same way, I had Jason and I was happy with my family, I didn't want to throw that all away just because he told me to.

Then we come to me and Jason. Where are we now?

Well, today was the day I had waited so long for now. It was the day that everyone had helped to pay for, just to make sure it was perfect and I get everything that I wanted from it - even Jason's family helped to pay for it, and they still didn't like me and didn't accept that we had a daughter together.

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about here. Right?

Well, wonder no more. Today is the day that me and Jason finally get married. After a year of waiting for this day, it's finally here and everything is perfect; there is nothing that I would change about this day.

Not even the time I've had to wait for it because that makes it all the more special for me. 

I'm finally marrying my perfect man. The one who was there for me when no one else was and helped me through some of the worst times I've ever faced. The one that left me for two months so that he could make more money to provide for us and to make us a better family. The one that didn't have to be anyone other than himself to make me fall more and more in love with him each and every day.

"Can I come in?" I heard someone ask as they opened the door and showed only their face; I saw in the mirror that it was Kelsey and she was ready for the wedding already while I was still sat here with nothing done.

To tell you the truth, I was panicking and worrying that something might go wrong; or even worse, that Jason might not eve turn up to the wedding and he would leave me stood at the alter in a room full of people.

"Sure you can Kels. And is that Lucy I see there?" I smiled as she walked in and handed her over to me, I just held her on my knee and bounced her up and down a little, listening to the noises that she was making.

"Why aren't you ready yet, you're supposed to be getting married in an hour and a half?" Kelsey asked, panicking slightly as she looked around the room to see that I haven't even got anything out to get myself ready with yet.

"What if he doesn't turn up? What if he just leaves me there because he's realised he can do better?" I replied.

"Look, your dad is with him now, and trust me, Jason is just as nervous as you are. He's even thinking that you're the one who isn't going to turn up because he doesn't understand why someone like you would pick him over everyone." Kelsey said.

"When your stood there, with the person you love, what does it feel like?" I asked, knowing Kelsey was the right person to ask because she had been through it with my dad and she knew how it felt; I still remember the smile on her face when my dad said 'I do' to her and then kissed her.

"It feels like there's no one else in the room and it's just the two of you. It feels like the most perfect in the world when your holding his hand and looking into his eyes, not really listening to what the priest or whatever is actually saying to you. It feels like love and, in that moment, you know for definite if they're the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with." Kelsey grinned as I handed Lucy back to her and allowed to change her while I rumaged through the drawers and pulled out some make-up. It wasn't a lot, but then I wasn't really one for wearing make-up all the time, not when I just enjoyed the person that I was and I didn't feel the need to hide behind make-up.

"Will you do my hair for me?" I asked.

"Of course I will, how do you want it done?" Kelsey smiled again as she placed Lucy on the floor, away from anything that she could hurt herself on, and just allowed to crawl around the room playing with the toys that I had in here already from where she stayed with me and Jason some of the time.

"Surprise me. I'm sure I'll love whatever you do." I replied and just relaxed into the chair.

If it was anything like Kelsey had described it, then I had nothing to worry about.

Me and Jason were made for each other, if we weren't, then we would never have lasted this long and we would have broken up a long time ago when everyone was telling us that we shouldn't be together.


"Do you, Jason David Warwick, take Ameila Lauren Parker to be your lawful wedded wife?" 

"I do." Jason replied without hesitation, as his eyes remained focused on mine and a grin formed on his lips as he accepted what he was just asked.

"And do you, Amelia Lauren Parker, take Jason David Warwick, to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." I smiled back as Jason slipped the ring over my finger, it was beautiful and I loved it. It fitted perfectly and it just went with the way everything had gone today.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now