Part 13 - Marry Me?

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Amelia's POV -

"I've never seen you get that angry before, it's actually rather scary." Jason chuckled nervously as he continued to hold me in his arms.

"I don't think any of us have ever seen you like that before. It's surprising that you had the strength to do that." James laughed, appearing in the doorway with a grin on his face.

"Never shout at me like that, will you?" Jason joked.

"Don't annoy me and then you won't ever see me like that again." I laughed.

I wasn't really one for losing my temper but, on this ocassion, it was necessary.

Neither my mum nor Jay would have got the message if I didn't shout at them and tell them what I really think; they would just have treated me like an idiot and not even told me the truth.

Not that they know what that is.

They wouldn't even know what it was if it slapped them both in the face.

With a bloody rock!

I wasn't going to be treated like a fool anymore, I was just going to tell people the truth.

I'd had enough of everyone thinking they could treat me how they wanted and not have anything for it; that wasn't the case anymore.

I'm not the twelve year old anymore that's worried about how people are going to react if they find out what I'm really thinking and I'm not going to be bossed around by people that really didn't give a damn about me.

It is my life and their my choices; nothing is going to change that and no one is going to control me or what I do.

 "James, do you feel like babysitting for us tonight?" Jason asked out of nowhere, makng my turn my head in shock at the question.

"Erm, why?" James replied.

"Am needs a good night out and I'm going to treat her to that, so, do you mind babysitting?" Jason asked again with a smile on his face.

"Of course I don't. Just, make sure my sister has a good time and doesn't get into too much trouble." James chuckled to himself, thinking that we hadn't heard the last part, but he was really bad at muttering things under his breath.

"I never get into trouble; not really sure who I got that one from since both mum and dad have always caused trouble." I joked as I wiped away the last of my tears away from my cheeks, a smile now replacing the sadness which was there before.

I was now rid off the bad in my life and there was nothing holding me back; from now on, it was about nothing and no one other than myself and my family.

I have James.

I have Kaylee.

I have Jason.

I have the boys.

But, most importantly, I have a dad that is there for me and is actually happy with his life; Kelsey makes him happy and it's about time he got his chance at happiness again.

Mum got her chance with Jay and now they're expecting another baby together; dad is getting his chance with Kelsey and he's also going to be a dad again.

I guess good things to come to those who wait, and those who are selfish and take everything for themselves, only end up with nothing in the end.

"Does this mean I'm being given a second chance?" James smiled at me.

"Are you planning on being a twat again any time soon?" Jason laughed.

"Erm, I haven't made any plans to be, but who knows what might happen in the future..." James joked with a massive, cheesy grin covering most of his face at this point; it was the happiest he had been in a long time and I was the one that had made him happy.

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now