Part 12 - Get Out Of My Life.

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Hello there guys,

Sorry that this has got a bit rubbish. I haven't really had the ideas that I had at the beginning of the story when I first started writing it. I thought this was going to be another amazing story, but I was wrong about that part.

I'm sorry for that one.

If you're still reading this, despite the massive gaps between updates, then I thank you and I really appreciate all your support. It means a lot that there are still a few people reading the story, even if it's not as many as it was at the start.

I love you all and your comments do mean a lot to me. I don't really have that much confidence with the stories that I write so, to know that people are actually enjoying the things that I write, does genuinely mean a lot to me. I only ever write to entertain people and to make people smile; I don't really do it for the comments or the votes or even for the reads. I just do it to make people happy.

When I see a positive comment, it really does mean an awful lot to me. So, for the people that have voted/commented, I thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this part as much as you have enjoyed the rest of the story.

Thank you, again.

Love Em:)xxx


Amelia's POV -

I just stood there in shock, not really knowing what to say or do.

After all these years, my mum finally remembers that she has more than one child and she does actually want to see her.

But, for me, it was too late for that.

I did my waiting around for her and hoped she might one day come and see me. Even if it was only for five minutes.

That would be enough to know that she loved me and still cared about me.

But, even as a child, I got nothing but lies either from her or about her. Being so young, I couldn't just accept the truth and move on.

I still had that little bit of hope that everyone might be lying about her and not really be telling truth. But, as I grew up and got older, I knew that they weren't lying and every single word they had told me was true.

I gave up hope and moved on with my life. Accepting that my own mother wanted nothing to do with me and she didn't love me anymore.

It took me a long time to realise and accept that truth.

I don't understand why she has picked now to turn up and see me.

"Do you want me to take Kay upstairs?" Jason asked, sensing the mood that I was in and, knowing me so well, he realised I wanted to have a massive argument with my mum.

No child ever needs to witness their mother going into super angry mode.

"Yes please. Can you feed her at the same time?" I replied and Jason just nodded, as he disappeared into the kitchen with Kaylee in his arms and a smile on his face.

"Can the rest of you leave as well please. I think me, Am and Tom need to have a conversation with mum..." James asked, looking around the room at all the eyes which were now focused on me and my brother; waiting to see what we were going to do.

"That includes you as well Jay." I added bitterly. I didn't even bother looking at him or what his face was now like because I really didn't care. I just wanted him to leave and let me say what I had to say without the random remarks being made by other people.

"There is no need to be like that Am. We're just here to talk." my mum laughed, treating this like it was one big joke and almost as though she hadn't done anything wrong.

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now