Part 7 - Should I Or Shouldn't I?

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It had been a month since my dad made is way into my house and tried to explain himself. Which means it's been a month since I threw him out and didn't bother listening to what he had to say.

I did feel bad after that and, just like always, I've decided that I'm going to give him another chance. But I've made it clear that this really is his last chance. If he messes up this time then he will never see me or Kaylee again and I'm being serious this time.

There will be no going back if he breaks his promise this time around. I will tell him how I feel and I will make sure that it hurts when I tell him. Maybe then he will understand just how he makes me feel all the time when he does what he does.

I had agreed to meet his fiance. Kelsey I think her name is, but I wasn't really listening when he told me her name. My mind was in other places that day and I wasn't especially interested in what anyone was telling me. It went straight in one ear and straight out the other.

I made sure that I made myself look half decent today; didn't really need her judging me when she first meets me. I probably would cry and never want to see her again. But I'm sure that's not going to happen. Dad assures me that she's very nice and he's sure that I'm going to love her. He also says that we're going to get along with each other pretty well because we're similar to one another. I'll make my own mind up on that one when I meet her.

But, after everything which has happened with my mum, it would be nice to get along with her and be able to call her family without having to worry about problems which would be caused. I'd love to be able to have someone in my life that isn't going to let me down and disappear at the first sign of trouble. That's all I really want from this.

I'm just hoping that's what I get.


I arrived at the cafe where dad said he would meet me. I opened the door and pushed Kaylee's buggy through the door, looking to see if he was already here. But I couldn't see him from anywhere that I looked. So I just took a seat in the corner, out of the view of people both inside and outside the cafe.

I was waiting for around half hour before my dad appeared. He had who I only assumed was Kelsey with him. She was beautiful with her blonde hair which fell just below her shoulders. It was naturally wavy and suited her better than it suited some people. She had a smile on her face as she walked over towards me.

I was suddenly starting to feel really nervous about this.

Yet I didn't actually know why.

I was just meeting dad's fiance and getting to know her. Nothing to be nervous about really.

Kelsey took the seat opposite me and dad took one next to me, looking over at Kaylee who had just dropped off to sleep. Not that I was surprised, she was awake most of the night and wouldn't stop crying. Which meant I had hardly any sleep. But I wasn't going to complain.

I was just proving people wrong. Showing people that I can cope on my own and I don't always need people around to help me out.

"Hello Am..." dad smiled at me.

"Hi dad..." I replied with a small smile.

"Well, Kelsey this is my daughter, Amelia, and Amelia this is my fiance, Kelsey!" dad said as he introduced us to each other.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Your dad never shuts up talking about you and I've heard nothing but nice things about you from other people!" Kelsey grinned at me. Dad wasn't lying when he said that she was realy nice.

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now