Part 4 - Madness In The Parker Household..

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I was awoken by the sound of the alarm ringing in my ear. I only just managed to open my eyes and saw that the time was half eight.

Far too early to be awake. But then I remembered why I was awake now. Today was the day that Jason went to Canada and left me alone. To look after our daughter. With no help from anyone. This was going to be a long three months.

I slowly rolled over in the bed to see that the spot which Jason usually occupied was already empty. The bag which he had packed and left by the bedroom door was gone. There was no sign of his phone or his keys in the spots in which they could be found. It was like he had already gone without even waking me.

I managed to push myself up from the bed, adjusting my eyes to the little light which entered the room through the crack in the curtains. I hated the mornings. It should be against the law to be awake this early; even if it is to say goodbye to someone that you loved. It should still made illegal.

As I arose from the warm place that I had once been placed, I heard the light cries of my daughter from the room next door. She usually slept longer than this, but I guess she knew that her dad was going today. I walked into the bedroom to find a note lying on the table next to Kaylee's cot. I could tell from the writing on the front that it was written by Jason. I had a horrible feeling that I knew what this was going to say. I picked Kaylee up from her cot, holding her with one arm while I opened the letter with the other.

It confirmed what I already knew.

Jason had left without even saying goodbye to me properly.

This was going to be a fun three months. Well, more like three months of complete hell.

To Am,

I had to leave earlier than planned. I didn't want to wake you, so I decided it would be easier to leave you this note. I just want you to know that I love you, more than anything I really do. And I hate the fact that I have to leave you and Kay for so long but, when I return, we shall have more money.

We will be able to spoil out daughter the way that she deserves to be spoilt-

But I couldn't read anymore than that. A few tears escaped my eye as I placed the letter back down on the table. I would finish reading it later once I was on my own. I had to prepare for the arrival of the people I had once called my aunts, uncles and cousins. Although, they all saw me as their older cousin and all looked up to me.

It was madness really.

But I needed to see people. I needed some form of human contact before I went mad. It's been too long since I last saw people. I'm surprised they don't think that I hate them by now. At least they were coming. I would get to see them for the first time in a long time. And even my dad was going to be here. Well, if he kept his promise then he would be here.

I walked down the stairs, Kaylee resting on my hip as I held on to her safely with both arms. Jumping her up and down slightly, causing small laughs to escape her lips. When she was happy; it made me happy.

But happiness was a funny thing.

It can be gained from the smallest of things. But also from the biggest of things. Meaning that it can either last or it can be a temporary thing.

My happiness all depended on what others did.

So, right now, because my daughter was happy, it made me happy.


I looked at the time to see that it was nearly half twelve. That meant that everyone was going to start arriving soon.

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now