Part 3 - Why Are You Here?

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Five months down the line, my dad decides he wants to see me.

He doesn't give me any warning about it. He doesn't even think that I might be busy. He just turns up on my doorstep, obviously expecting me to want to see him. To want to talk to him. To want to sort things with him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sounding slightly angry with him.

"I need to talk to you Am..." he replied.

"Don't call me that!"

"I've always called you that..."

"You lost the right to call me that when you walked out of my life FIVE months ago. No phone calls. No texts. No nothing. I haven't heard from you since that day at the hospital and you turn up here, expecting everything to be alright?" I snapped at him. He can't even think that everything will go back to the way that it was. After everything that he said to me that day. After walking out on me the way that he did. It's going to take more than an apology to make me forgive him.

I'm not twelve anymore.

I'm not as easily fooled as I was back then.

"Amelia, will you just listen to me for two minutes. Please?"

"Fine. Two minutes is all you have so you had better start talking..."

"I hate myself for everything that happened at the hospital that day. If I could go back and change what happened, then I would, but I can't and I've got to live with that for the rest of my life. I am proud of you. More proud than I have ever been and I love you. I just wanted you to know that I really am sorry and I was an idiot that day!" he stated. He didn't even look at me once when he said it though. He spoke mainly to the ground or to my feet. He obviously didn't mean any of what he was saying. Did he really think I would be too stupid to notice him not looking at me?

"Dad, I haven't got time for this. I'm supposed to be spending the day with Jason and Kaylee so, if that's all you have to say, I would appreciate it if you left now..."

"Can I see her? Kaylee?"

"Right, so you want to see your granddaughter at a time it suits you. Not at a time when it suits me?" I questioned him.

"Please just let me see her. I missed out on a year of your life when you were born, I'm not making the same mistake with Kaylee..."

"But you've already missed five months. So what's another seven months to you?"

"Please Amelia, just let me see her?" he asked again. There was a sadness, a pain in his voice when he spoke. Like he was sorry that he had missed out on so much of Kaylee's life. Like he did actually care about my daughter. His granddaughter.

"Fine, but then I want you to leave..."

"Okay then. I'll leave once I've seen my granddaughter..." my dad sighed at me in reply.

"Jason. Bring Kay here please!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Why?" Jason shouted back at me.

"Because there's someone here who finally decided he wants to see her..." I replied as I looked to the top of the stairs to see Jason stood there. Kaylee was resting on his hip while she played with his fingers. Making the usual sounds that she did when she was happy.

The look on Jason's face said it al really. He couldn't believe that my dad was stood at out front door, asking to see his granddaughter. He was in a state of shock. As he walked slowly down the stairs, making sure that he was careful not to drop Kaylee, he never took his eyes off my dad.

I don't know if that's because he was shocked to see him here. Or if it was to make sure he wouldn't hit him once he reached the door.

"Tom..." Jason said with no emotion.

"Jason. You treating my daughter right?"

"And why would you care, you haven't cared for the past five months?"

"I was just asking a question!"

"And I was just answering a question..." Jason replied sarcastically. It was funny to listen to. But I had to contain my laughter. One slip and this could all go wrong.

"Is this my granddaughter then?"

"Yes. This is Kaylee Louisa Parker!" I said as I took her from Jason's arms and held her in my own. Facing her forward so that my dad could get a good look at her.

"Hello Kaylee, I'm your grandad..." my dad smiled at her. Don't get me wrong, I love Kaylee and I couldn't be happier with her in my life. But hearing my dad call himself 'grandad' was just weird. He was 42 and a grandad. He seemed too young to be a grandad.

"Look dad, if you want to spend time with Kaylee then come round tomorrow at about half twelve. Today isn't a good day though..." I said as I pulled Kaylee away from him and handed her back to Jason.

"Why can't I see her today?"

"Because Jason is going to Canada tomorrow and today, we're just spending the day together as a family...." I sighed. Dad seems to forget that I do have my own family now. I have other things to worry about now. It's not all as simple as it used to be.

"You're going to CANADA?" dad said as he looked at Jason, making sure he emphasised Canada when he spoke.

"Yeah, for three months. We need the money..."


"Dad, please will you just go. If you want to see your granddaughter, then be here at half twelve tomorrow. If you don't turn up, then I never want to see you again..." I said as I closed the door on him.

Tomorrow was my dad's last chance to prove that he really was sorry. To prove that he still loved me like he did before everything happened. To prove that he does want to be a part of his granddaughter's life.

And all he had to do was show his face before half twelve.

Not that hard. Right?

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now