Part 8 - New Family..Old Family..

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Shopping with Kelsey for my bridesmaid dress reminded me of when I was a bridesmaid at Siva and Nareesha's wedding.

That was a good day and I was hoping that dad and Kesley's wedding day was going to be just as good. I know I said I wouldn't go, but Kelsey has done a good job convincing me. And she does seem like a genuinely nice person so I suppose I should give her a chance before I judge her.

I might actually grow to like her even more than I already do.

Although, after spending the whole day with her, I do think me and her are going to get along rather well. If she makes dad happy, then I guess I should be happy as well. Since that's all I wanted and now that he's got it, I'm just trying to take it all away from him.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Kelsey asked me suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts and back into the real world.

"Erm, probably looking after Kaylee at home and watching some rubbish film. Why?" I replied.

"Come out with me and the girls. We're going out for a drink to celebrate mine and your dad's marriage..."

"But what about Kaylee? Who's going to look after her?"

"Siva will have her. He's looking after all the other kids as well..."

"Is he mad?" I chuckled. Siva must have been an idiot to want to look after all the kids on his own. I'm sure he was going to have such a fun time doing that for a whole night.

But it did make sense since Siva and Nareesha have the biggest house out of everyone.

It's the best place for them all to stay.

"No. He just got talked into it by Nareesha and Lauren had force Nathan to help him out as well..." she laughed at me.

"Well, I haven't been out in a while so it would be nice to have a break!"

"Come out with us then. Obviously I won't be drinking, but that doesn't stop the rest of you from having a good time..." she smiled back at, rubbing her baby bump at the same time.

It was still hard to believe that I was going to be a step-sister and have a step-mum. It was like I was getting a whole new family while my old one had completely disappeared.

I didn't have my mum anymore.

I didn't have my brother.

And I sometimes wondered if I even had my dad.

It seemed that everytime something got better, there was something bad waiting to happen so that I didn't get the happiness that I so badly wanted.

Is that too much to ask?

"Go on then. I need a good night out with the girls..." I giggled.

"You got anything to wear?"

"Yeah. I got two dresses that I've never even worn, they're just sitting in my wardrobe waiting to have a good night as well..."

"And they are?"

"Wait and see. I'll surprise you with one!" I laughed again.

"You know what Am, you should be proud of yourself. You've been through hell and back, but you're still here fighting for everything. You might not have had an easy life but you've certainly proved that people who have a tough life, only come out of so much stronger..."

"And, do you know what, I think I'm going to enjoy having you in my life. You make my dad happy and that makes me happy because, after my mum and dad got divorced, I never thought he would be happy again. You've gone and proved me wrong so I thank you for that and I think you're going to be an amazing mum..." I smiled at her as we arrived at the house where her and dad where now living. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It was just the perfect size for them and the baby.

It made me slightly jealous because it was so much better than where I lived. But then again, I wasn't famous and living off the mass amounts of money which I made during that time.

"I hope that you do enjoy having me in your life. That would just make me happy and I wouldn't want anything less than that!" she replied, unlocking the door at the same time.

We were instantly met by dad walking towards us. He was holding Kaylee in his arms and was muttering something to her at the same time. I had no idea what he was saying, but it was making my daughter smile and that was good enough for me.

Maybe I should have been more forgiving in the first place. Given him a chance to prove himself rather than just shutting him out off my life permanantly. That was a stupid and thoughtless thing to do.

I was just being immature and only thinking about myself.

Like I always used to do.

"Hey babe..." he smiled as he placed a kiss on Kelsey's cheek at the same time.

"Hey Tom..." she replied.

"You have fun?"

"Of course. And did you?"

"Getting to know my granddaughter? I've had a perfect day and Am, you should be proud of what you've acheived. You're a great mum and don't you ever forget that..."

"Really?" I replied in shock. My dad hadn't said anything like that me in a long time. And he certainly hadn't said it about my daughter. It gave me a warm feeling on the inside to hear him actually say something like that.

It would be nice to hear him say that more often. But this was a start.

"Yes Am, really. I am proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too, Kaylee is a wonderful little girl and I love her to bits already!"

"Thanks dad..."

"You're welcome..." he smiled back at me as there was a knock at the door. I just walked over to my dad and took Kaylee from his arms.

I was happy to see her since I was used to being alone with her most of the time. So it felt strange being away from her for so long. It brought a smile to my face as I saw her smile at me.

"Let me show you to the living room..." Kesley smiled, walking towards a big room straight in front of us. There were photos all over the walls, each of different things. There was even some of me and dad as I was growing up, there were some of me, mum, James and dad and there was even some of me with the rest of the boys when they were still going.

I remembered each and every single picture. Each one having a different memory. Sad ones and happy ones. But I still loved them all.

They showed my life and everything I had fought to get through.

And here I was now. Living my life how I wanted to live it, with no one to tell me what to do, and I was just doing things my way. How I always wanted things to be.

Life might not be perfect, but it was the best that it was going to get for now.

Well, that's what I thought anyway. I didn't know how much things were going to change with that one knock on the door.

Because the person that was behind the door was someone that I never expected to see again. I thought that he was gone forever. So when he walked through the door with dad, I was extremely shocked and I didn't know what to do.

Especially after the last conversation we had together. It wasn't the best and it wasn't one that I wanted to remember.

This was only going to go badly. I'm sure of it...



Please don't hate me for taking so long to update. I've just been busy updating 'Abigail Ella Sykes' because people keep wanting that one updated. I'll try to update this one more, but if I don't then you'll have to forgive me. Just tell me if I forget to update it and I'll get right on it.

But thanks for your patience and thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying that and it isn't too boring for you. And, if it is, then I apologise for that now.

I love you all and I really do appreciate you reading it.

Love Em:)xx

Amelia Lauren Parker [Final Part of Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now