The Next Steps

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None Of the art is mine so credit to the artists.

Hinata's POV

We're sitting at the island in me and Tobio's kitchen of our apartment when Tobio asks, "What do you think the next steps in our relationship would be, Shoyo?" I already know my answer, but I wait a minute to add more suspense. "I think we're ready to consider getting married. You already know that I love you, Tobio." "I know and I love you, too," he says as he wraps his around me. I look up into his eyes and kiss him. When we pull away, I sit down on his lap and get lost in my thoughts.

Suga and Daichi have been married for 2 and a half years with a beautiful baby boy named Aito. Suga's body wasn't compatible with having the child himself, so they had a sergeant mother have their child.

Saltishima(aka Tsukishima) and Yamaguchi started dating in our second year. Who knows where their relationship is going to go from there.

Asahi and Noya have been dating since me and Tobio joined Karasuno, but I have a feeling Asahi is planning on proposing to Noya at some point this year.

Kiyoko and Yachi have been dating for a while. Along those lines, once Tanaka found out Kiyoko was a lesbian, he gave up on trying to date her. Eventually, he figured out he was bi and started dating Ennoshita around a year ago.

Kuroo and my bestie, Kenma have been dating just as long as me and Kags. Obviously, Kuroo wants more attention from Kenma, and he has been getting better at giving it.

And lastly, Iwaizumi and Oikawa have been engaged for a year now, but their planning on getting married at some point in the upcoming month. We still don't know for sure the date,  but they're getting closer to choosing a date that works with their volleyball schedule.

Thinking about weddings started me thinking about what me and Tobio's would look like. I'm hoping that he might propose to me soon. Cause I definitely wouldn't mind becoming Shoyo Kageyama. I'm interrupted from my train of thought by Tobio shaking me to get my attention.

"Waah," I say startled from my daydream. "Babe aren't you going to answer your phone?" "Sorry. I was lost in a train of thought," I say reaching for my phone. I look at the Caller ID and see it's Noya. 

I answer. "Noya!!" "Shoyo!!" Noya says just as excitedly. "What's up?" I ask. "I'm hoping you, me, and Tanaka can hang out at the mall this week. Do you think you could?" He asks. "Let me take a look at my schedule." I get up from my place of Kags' lap and walk over to the fridge to look at my schedule. "It looks like I'm free on Saturday. I don't think I have practice that day. Do you think that could work?" "Yup. Tanaka told me his schedule and both me and him are free Saturday. How about I pick you up around 10 am?" "That works. Can't wait to hang out with my bros" I say. "Me neither. We need to meet up more," Noya says. "We really do." "K. See you at 10 in 2 days. Bye Hinata." "Bye Noya," I say as I hang up.

I put my phone down on the counter and walk towards Kags. Once I'm standing in between his legs, he puts his arms around my waist pulling me in closer. I lean in just enough for us to kiss.

          Kageyama's POV

I hear Hinata talking on the phone with Noya making plans to hang out on Saturday with. When he comes back to me, I pull him in closer by the waist to kiss him. He kisses me back.

When we finally pull away Hinata asks, "I hope it's okay for me to hang out with Noya and Tanaka at the mall Saturday." "Yup," I say. In my head, I'm thinking that it gives me a chance to talk to Daichi and Suga about how I'm going to propose to Hinata.

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