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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I am finally back from my hiatus. I'm sorry that it took me so long. Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I was busy working on trying to finish off one of my other fanfics called Fix Me, Foster. And now that I have done that, I can now get back to updating this fanfic. And now let's move on to the chapter. 

Also sorry if I get the personalities for the other Schweiden Alders and MSBY Black Jackals members. I do not know how they act or their personalities because I have not read the manga. So I'm just guessing how they act.

Also, some more info before I start the chapter. This is a major time skip once again. I know that I have had a lot of them throughout this fanfic, but I haven't had too many ideas on what to do as fillers. I'm trying to get a lot better at my writing style and I sure hope that it has improved. I might later on farther down the line I might go back through and edit my chapters and make them feel better. Now enough with the chit-chat and on with the chapter.


I just stare at the ceiling waiting for myself to get tired. But finally, after an hour, I was eventually able to doze off to sleep. It probably will only be a nap, but that's better than no sleep.

~Time Skip to around 4 months later~

No One's POV:

There is a practice match going on between Tobio's team, Schweiden Adlers, and Shoyo's team, MSBY Black Jackals being held at the MSBY's gym.  Tobio didn't want Shoyo going to the practice match at all, but they finally came to an agreement and decided that Shoyo would go there on his own and Tobio would meet him later at the gym after his team had their meeting.

When Shoyo arrived, he went and sat down on the bench, waiting for the practice match to begin. That was part of the agreement he and Tobio made if he was to go to the practice match. 

Because of Shoyo being around 9 months pregnant, he has to sit on the bench and watch other people play, but he sure does really wish he was out on the court playing. He has missed the feel of playing on the court since he found out he was 5 months pregnant. He is at least glad that he is able to still come to the practice match and support his team from the sidelines even if that means he isn't playing in the game himself.

Shoyo is interrupted from his thoughts when he hears someone shout, "HINATAA!!! HEY HEY HEY!!" The familiar voice of Bokuto can be heard echoing throughout the gym. "Calm down Bokuto," the MSBY captain, Meian says to the hyperactive owl that was ready to knock Shoyo over with a hug. "It's nice to see you again, Hinata." "Same with you captain," Shoyo says facing their captain. "And Bokuto remember he is pregnant. So we need you to be calm." That gets the owl to start pouting. "Don't worry Bokuto san. I'm okay," Shoyo says opening his arms for a hug. Bokuto walks over to Shoyo excitedly and takes the tangerine up on his offer for a hug. After a minute, he releases Shoyo from the hug.

"Shoyo's here?" The partially bleached blond-haired-looking bee, the MSBY setter asks as he comes out of the locker room. "Yes. You would have known if you were paying attention to what the coach was saying." The blond's masked boyfriend says walking out after him. "Omi Omi I was," Atsumu says with a huff. 

The clap of hands can be heard through the gym to get the attention of all the MSBY players. They all turn to face their coach. "Gather around team." They all walk over to their coach. "Schweiden Alders will be here soon so let's start warming up and get ready for playing a good game," The coach says hyping them up. "Hai!" They all shout in unison. Shoyo walks back over to his spot on the bench and sits down waiting excitedly for the match to begin.

Just as Shoyo was starting to get impatient, the doors to the gym open. He looks over to see the entire Schweiden Alders team standing in the doorway and upfront closest to Shoyo was Tobio looking around the gym to find him. "I'm over here Tobio," He calls out to his husband, lover, and father to his child. Tobio turns his head to face the direction of where the voice came from and meets the eyes of his beautiful tangerine. The smile he emits makes the whole room light up and makes everyone want to smile as well. Tobio then starts walking over to Shoyo. When he finally reaches Shoyo, he holds him in his arms for a bit. He then finally releases Shoyo from his arms and guides him back to the bench to sit down. 

"Alright now that we are all here let's get this practice match on its way," the Shweiden Alders' coach says to MYSB's coach. "Yes. Let us. We will win the game this time." "Haha. As if you can." When the 2 teams meet up like this they always act like this. But today's game was to decide the tie breaker between the 2 teams.

~Time Skip to during the match~

At some point during the match, Shoyo started to feel the pain of what he thought was Braxton hicks(fake labor contractions) so he chose to not tell Tobio about it and worry him. They eventually went away and he felt fine after that. But there was still the occasional kick from the baby, but that was normal to begin with.

Later on, one of the times that the volleyball was served went out of control and came VERY close to hitting Shoyo. Tobio was so worried that he dropped what he was doing and ran over to Shoyo to see if he and his child are okay. "Shoyo are you okay?" Tobio asks the worry dripping off his words. "I'm fi. . ." Shoyo didn't finish what he was saying. He looked down towards the ground and saw a puddle of liquid under him. "Shoyo?" . . . "Shoyo?" . . . "Shoyo?" . . . "I think my water just broke." 

Well, that's it for now, Goodbye.


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