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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

This is the last chapter of WDFH. I hope you enjoy it. Especially the way that I chose to end it. I had a lot of fun writing this fanfiction. And thank you so much for all the support. Now let's get on to the last chapter.


Once Natsu and Sakura get home, they start looking at different options for adopting a child.

Around a year later, they adopt a calm and shy 6-year-old girl named Sachi. 

~Time skip to when the twins are 15 years old~

Shoyo's POV:

I am making breakfast for my beautiful babies when all of a sudden I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a chin being rested on the top of my head. I let out a sigh of relief once I realize who the arms belong to and lean back into them. These years that I have been with Tobio have been the best years of my life.

"Thank you for giving me the 2 best presents ever. It has been amazing," I say leaning my head back more into his chest. He gives me a kiss on the head and says, "No, Shoyo. I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for bringing these two beautiful human beings into this world." I turn in his arms and lean into a slow deep and passionate kiss. 

We continue kissing for what feels like an eternity until we are interrupted by the voice of one of our kids saying, "Dad, Papa, get a room." I break away from the kiss with Tobio and turn to see Aki standing there with his arms crossed and Maya standing behind him covering her eyes. "Is it okay to look now?" She asks shyly. "It's okay now, Maya," Aki says. She removes her hands away from her face. Tobio then asks "What's that burning smell?" I think for a second before I realize that breakfast was still on the stove. I hurry back over to the stove where I am making pancakes and quickly take them off the pan. "That was close. They didn't burn," I say. I turn off the burner then walk over to the table with the plate of pancakes that I'm carrying. I set them down on the center of the table where they are surrounded by many different things to go with the pancakes. There is orange juice, maple syrup, milk, water, blueberries and strawberries, chocolate chips, bacon, toast, butter, jelly, and a few other things.

We all sit down at the table and dig into the food that I prepared. "Thank you for breakfast, Papa. This was good," Maya says as she takes her plate over to the sink. Aki follows behind her. "Yeah thanks, Papa," He says. "Your welcome, not hurry up and get ready for school. Your friends will be here shortly to pick you up to go to volleyball practice." They run upstairs and start to get ready. I gather the rest of the empty dishes from the table and bring them over to Tobio who has started to wash the breakfast dishes.

By the time that Aki and Maya's friends are here, we are done with the dishes and sitting on the couch cuddling. I get up off the couch and shout, "Hurry up you 2. We don't want to keep your friends waiting do we?" They come down the stairs. I give Aki and kiss on the forehead before he can escape me. Maya gives me a quick hug and I kiss her on the cheek. "Goodbye and have a good day at school. I love you." They both respond before they leave and close the door, "We will. Bye. Love you, Papa."

I walk back over to the couch and sit down curling up next to Tobio. I'm lost in my mind and thoughts until I am interrupted by Tobio asking, "What are you thinking about?" "Oh. I was just thinking about how time flew by quickly. I still remember when they were just babies." "Time really does fly by, but I think we did a good job raising them." "We sure did," I say before I end up falling asleep against Tobio.

And... CUT

This is the end of What Does the Future Hold? [KageHina]


I hope you liked how it ended. 

I will have an author's note to end off this fanfiction. But this is the last official chapter. If you have any questions you want me to answer, I will answer them in the author's note. I will post the author's note on April 1st at 11:30. That gives you a bit of time for you to get your questions or anything you want to tell me. Also if you don't want to be mentioned, please tell me that you don't want to be mentioned. But if you do, please tell me what you want me to call you. You can get your questions to me via the comments, messages, or my email that I have just for this purpose. The email is denkissibling@gmail.com 

But I think that is all. Well, Goodbye, for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


The End

855 Total Words

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