4 months later

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~4 Months Later~

Shoyo's POV:

It has been four months since I told Tobio that I'm pregnant. We went to the doctor's office to find out that I'm 5 months pregnant. I look somewhat pregnant, but I can still hide that I'm pregnant by wearing baggy shirts, sweatpants, and big sweatshirts.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch wearing one of Tobio's hoodies and a loose pair of sweatpants.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch wearing one of Tobio's hoodies and a loose pair of sweatpants

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a/n: the hoodie Hinata's wearing.

I'm just sitting there with my feet propped up on the ottoman and a pillow behind my back supporting me because they're hurting me. I'm also watching a really sad movie. "No don't leave him. Why can't you see he still loves you. He only made a mistake on accident," I say crying and yelling at the screen while I'm eating popcorn. 

I hear the shower turn off and the bathroom door open. Then the pad of familiar feet coming down the stairs. I turn my head to see Tobio only wearing a pair of sweatpants and drying his hair as he comes down the stairs.

 I turn my head to see Tobio only wearing a pair of sweatpants and drying his hair as he comes down the stairs

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a/n: the bigger picture is what Hinata sees.

"How are the loves of my life doing?" He asks walking over to where I am. He bends over the back of the couch, plants a kiss on my forehead, and wraps his arms around my shoulders in a hug.  He rubs my baby bump. "How are you doing?" "Fine," I say as I turn back to face the movie that I was watching. "What are you watching?" "I don't know. I saw it on Netflix and it looked good," I say so focused on the movie. "Well, I'm going to go get dressed and see if I have any work to do." "Okay." He heads upstairs to get dressed then comes back downstairs then heads to the office to work.

a/n: I don't think that I mentioned it but besides being part of their volleyball teams, they also have other jobs so they have some money for living. Kageyama and Hinata are able to work from home sometimes depending on what it is they're doing.

A little while later, I finish the movie I was watching and move on to a new show that had caught my eye. After a little bit of being into the show, I have the craving for sushi, spicy ramen, the ranch, and fudge brownie flavored goldfish, apple juice, and pickles, hot sauce, and mint chocolate chip ice cream with sour patch kids on top combined all together. I then call up to Tobio to get his attention. "Hey, babe." "Yes, Shoyo. What do you need?" He pokes his head out of the office. "Can you get some stuff from the store for me? Please." I use the puppy dog eyes. "What is it that you want?" I tell him. "I thought that we had hot sause, apple juice, pickles, and ice cream?" "You finished off the ice cream last night. The hot sauce I finished off earlier today. We haven't had apple juice in the house for a while now. And the pickles we finished off last week," I tell him. By now Tobio's fully out in the hallway. "Okay." He walks over to the front door to leave. "I'll see you in a bit," He says before putting on his mask and leaving.

a/n: this doesn't take place during covid 19. So that's not the reason behind why he's wearing a mask. The reasons why they wear masks is because they're famous volleyball players. Also, their teams can't afford any of their team mates to get sick at all.

Around an hour later, I hear the keys in the lock. The door opens and Tobio comes in, takes off his shoes and puts his keys and mask down on the table next to the door. He brings the stuff to the kitchen and sets it down on the island. Then walks over to the couch and sits down next to me.

"I got everything you wanted." "Thank you. Now can you please help me up," I say having my hands outstreached for him to grab to pull me up. He gets off the couch and pulls me up. We walk over to the island. I start making everything that I was going to eat. "Where is my sushi?" I ask Tobio. "Remeber you can't have sushi because of the raw fish." "Right." I had forgotten that I'm not allowed to have raw fish anymore while I'm pregnant. Tobio gets down some bowls for us to use. I take one of the bowls and put some mint chocolate chip ice cream in it. I then cut up some of the pickles and put them into the bowl of ice cream. I squeeze some hot sauce on top of it all. Then top it off with some sour patch kids. While I'm making all of this Tobio looks in my direction and starts to question what I was doing. "What are you doing?" "I'm making my snack." "That looks kinda nasty." "It's not that bad once you get used to it," I tell him as I take a bite of it to prove my point. I later decide that I'm just going to eat my my ice cream now and save the rest for later.

We then walk back to the couch with our ice cream and finish watching the episode I was one.

~Time skip to a few days later~

I wake up instantly to the erge to vomit. I sit up quickly and rush to the bathroom. Once I'm done throwing up, I walk out of the bathroom. "I wish this morning sickness would go away." "The doctor said you should be over it in the next week." I walk up to Tobio and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back. "How are you feeling?" He asks rubbing my back. "I'm just feeling a little dizzy," I say leaning even more onto Tobio than I already was. "Lets get you back to bed and try to get some more rest," he says guiding me back to the bed. He lays me down back in bed before he finally says, "Get as much rest as you can. I'll be back in a little bit."

I just stare at the sealing waiting for myself to get tired. But finally after an hour, I was eventually able to doze off to sleep. It probally will only be a nap, but that's better than no sleep.

a/n: I'm sorry to say, but this story is coming to the end. I have been happy with all the support I have been given thoughout my time writing this fanfic. I don't know how many more parts I'm going to do, but I hope you all have enjoyed it so far.

To Be Continued

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