A day with the Aunties

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I just wanted to tell you that Natsu and Sakura got married around 4 months after they graduated high school. Sakura proposed the day they were graduating. They then had a small and private wedding where they invited their close friends and family. 


They stay on the couch cuddling until they hear crying coming from the playpen. They quickly get off the couch and walk over to the pen. They see that Maya had fallen onto her side and was struggling to get back up. Shoyo walks over to Maya and picks her up. He rocks her back and forth while saying "Shh. It's alright. You're okay." to calm her down. She finally calms down and has fallen asleep in his arms. "I'm going to take Maya and put her to bed," Shoyo says walking back upstairs to put her in the crib. While Shoyo is putting Maya to bed, Tobio is hanging out with Aki. "This is going to be an experience," he says before picking up Aki.

~4 years later~

Natsu's POV(Again what a surprise):

It has been 4 years since Shoyo has given birth to my beautiful niece and nephew, Maya and Aki. Today me and Sakura are going to go hang out with the twins. "Are you ready to go yet?" Sakura asks from the living room. "Coming," I say as I come out of our bedroom. We put our shoes on, lock the front door, get into our car, and drive to Shoyo and Tobio's house.

Once we arrive at their house, I quickly get out of the car because I'm excited to see the twins. I hadn't seen them in at least a month because of how busy me and Sakura have been. I wonder how big they have gotten in that time. I walk up to the door and knock. Shoyo answers the door with his head turned away from me because he is shouting up to the twins saying, "You two get down here. There is someone here to see you." He turns to face me and says, "Sorry about that. Please come on in." He opens the door wider for me and Sakura to slip in through.

We take off our shoes when we come in and stand in the middle of the living room waiting for the twins to come downstairs. We hear the thudding of little feet running down the stairs and in a flash we are tackled to the ground by two little bodies. "Auntie Natsu, Auntie Sakura." We hear said from the two little bodies on us. We pull them into hugs. "Hi Aki. Hi Maya," I say to them. "Are you ready to hang out with us today?" Sakura asks them. "Yes, Auntie Sakura," The twins say in unison. "Well then want to go to a playground?" I ask them. "YES. YES. YES." They say as they jump around in excitement. "Calm down you two then we can go to the park," Tobio says as he walks in from the kitchen with a glass of milk in his hand. "Okay Dad," They say.

Shoyo and Tobio get them ready and situated in their car. "We'll meet you there," I say as I get into the driver's side. "Yup. See you there," Shoyo says.

We drive to the playground and park next to their car. Then we get out and wait for Shoyo and Tobio to unbuckle them from their car seats. After Aki and Maya are freed from their seats, they each grab me and Sakura's hands and drag us to the playground.  "Alright. Alright. We're coming," I say following them. 

We play with them for half an hour before me and Sakura tell them that we are going to go sit down next to Shoyo and Tobio and talk with them for a bit before we come back and play with them. I sit down next to Shoyo and take a deep breath. "How do you handle those two?" I ask. "Trust me. I don't really know," Shoyo says."They have so much energy." "Well we know who they got it from," Tobio adds. "That's true," I say laughing at that.

We talk for an hour before Aki and Maya came running over to us. "Can we get ice cream pleaseeeee." They beg. "I don't think you two need the extra energy right now," Shoyo says to them. "Auntie Natsuuu, Auntie Sakuraaa," the twins say in a menacing tone like they are plotting something. "Caannn weee pleaseeeee have ice cream," they beg giving the puppy dog eyes. "I guess so," I say giving into the puppy dog eyes. "Let's go," I say offering one of my hands to each of them to take.

We walk over to the ice cream stand that was close to us. "What can I get you?" The ice cream person asks. "What would you guys like?" I ask the twins looking down at them. "Twist," They say at the same time. "Okay. We'll take 2 kiddie twists please," I say to the ice cream person. "That will be XXXX much please." I hand the money to the person and they give me the change back. We wait a minute before they hand me two kiddie twist ice cream and I hand them to Aki and Maya. We walk back as they eat their ice cream.

After they finish their ice creams, we head back to the cars and Tobio and Shoyo load them back into the car. "Well we are going to say goodbye here. We'll come see you soon," I say to the twins. "Say bye-bye to Aunties," Shoyo says to the twins. "Bye-bye Auntie Sakura and Auntie Natsu," They say. "Bye you two," Sakura says as she heads to our car. Before I head to our car, I give Shoyo a hug and say that I'll see him soon and I'll text him when we get home.

I walk over to our car and get in the passenger side. While we are on our way home, I say, "Today was fun but chaotic." "It sure was but what do you expect from 4-year-olds. They have a lot of energy." "What would you think if we adopted a child?" I ask throwing the question out there. "I would like that. But it would need to be a calm kid and probably around 6 years old," Sakura says glancing over at me. "Why are you asking?" "Because I would love to adopt and child," I say looking over at her. 

No One's POV:

Once Natsu and Sakura get home, they start looking at different options for adopting a child. 

Around a year later, they adopt a calm and shy 6-year-old girl named Sachi. 

Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I know that I geared off near the end of the chapter but I wanted to add that in there. This is the second to last chapter of WDTFH. It's close to coming to an end. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. Also, I will post the last chapter and the authors note today, so be on the lookout for that.

Well, Goodbye, for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


To Be continued

1188 Total words

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