Raising the twins

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

Here is the next chapter to WDTFH. I hope you enjoy it. 


Shoyo walks over to Tobio and takes their car seats from him and walks over to the crib. He takes them out of their seats and into the crib. Shoyo then looks back over at me and says, "I can't thank you enough for doing this, Natsu." "There is no reason to thank me. I wanted to do this." We then all walk out of the nursery to give them a chance to fall asleep and walk over to the couch and sit down. "I am so tired. I could sleep forever," Shoyo says leaning up against Tobio. "I wish we could hang around longer, but we have to go," Sakura says. "We have school in the morning," I say standing up. "Why don't you guys stay the night in the guest room?" Shoyo offers. "We would love to, but we don't have anything with us and I would think you and Tobio would like some alone time together," I say starting to walk to the door. "Okay. But I hope you visit soon." "We will. But goodbye for now," I say having finally reached the door. We all exchange goodbyes and hugs. And me and Sakura head back to our apartment to get some sleep before we go to school tomorrow.

No One's POV:

The pure silence of the night is interrupted by the shrill cry of a baby. "Tobio, it's your turn." The tired voice can be heard from the depths of the blankets. A groan can be heard as a tired-looking Tobio sits up and looks over at his sleepy husband curled up trying to go back to sleep. He stands up from the bed and says as he starts walking towards the twins room, "Okay. Okay. I'm coming."

Tobio walks over to the crib to see who is crying this time and it's Amaya. Tobio picks up Amaya from the crib. "Shh. Shh. It's okay. I'm here." He takes Amaya over to the changing table to see if she needs to be changed. Nope, that's not what she needs. "Amaya. Why are you crying?" He says as he looks at his daughter. As he's carrying a crying baby, he rocks her as he walks over to the rocking chair. He sits down and starts to gently rock back and forth in the chair. That helps her settle down and go back to sleep. "Well, that's nice to se..." He starts to say before he himself falls asleep in the chair from exhaustion while still holding a sleeping Amaya. 

It has been a little over a month since Tobio and Shoyo came home with Amaya and Akihiko. That month has been an interesting experience for the new parents. They haven't been able to sleep as much as they used to, so that makes them really exhausted. They knew that they were going to need a while before they are able to get back to playing volleyball so they could get used to being parents. They were given a 2 and a half month break, but they were told that they had to come back before the major tournaments/competitions started happening so they could get some regular practice in before they started happening.

~Time skip to the morning~

Shoyo wakes up to see that the side of the bed Tobio usually sleeps on is empty. "Where is he?" Shoyo asks after he saw the empty space.  He then hears a noise coming from the twins room. He gets up and walks over to their room and opens the door.  What he sees when he opens the door is a Tobio sleeping in the rocking chair with Amaya sitting on his chest with his arms wrapped around her in a protective way. Amaya is wide awake and is playing with Tobio's hair and is cooing and giggling about it. Shoyo quickly pulls out his phone and takes pictures of it before he walks in and takes Amaya from his grasp. Amaya starts to play with his hair while giggling and cooing. "Ha your not the only one who likes playing with my hair. Your dad does too." Amaya giggles in response. By that time, Akihiko is awake and staring at them. Shoyo walks over to the crib and takes Aki out of his crib. 

"Come on Aki, Maya. Let's go get you breakfast," Shoyo says as he walks out of their room, down the stairs, and towards the kitchen. Shoyo places the twins in their high chairs. He walks over to one of the cabinets and takes out the formula and bottles. Shoyo makes the formula and tests it on his wrist to see if it is a reasonable temperature. It is just the right temperature, so he takes the two bottles he prepared and sets them down at the table, picks the twins up from their high chairs, grabs the bottles from the table as he's holding twins, walks over to the couch, and sits down. He situates the twins in a way so that he is able to feed both at the same time. He puts the nipples of the bottles to their mouths and they start suckling at the bottles to get the milk.

By the time that the twins had almost finished their breakfast, Tobio makes his way down the stairs rubbing his eyes to get the tiredness and sleep out of them. He walks over to where Shoyo is sitting on the couch and sits down next to him. "Can I help with anything?" He asks looking over at Shoyo. "Here take Aki. He needs to be burped," Shoyo says handing Aki over to Tobio so that he can burp Aki. They put rags over their shoulders so they don't get spit up on them. They then burp Aki and Maya. 

After they are done burping Aki and Maya, they put them in their playpen that is in the middle of the living room, sit back down on the couch cuddling up to each other, and watch the twins play together.

They stay on the couch cuddling until they hear crying coming from the playpen. They quickly get off the couch and walk over to the pen. They see that Maya had fallen onto her side and was struggling to get back up. Shoyo walks over to Maya and picks her up. He rocks her back and forth while saying "Shh. It's alright. You're okay." to calm her down. She finally calms down and has fallen asleep in his arms. "I'm going to take Maya and put her to bed," Shoyo says walking back upstairs to put her in the crib. While Shoyo is putting Maya to bed, Tobio is hanging out with Aki. "This is going to be an experience," he says before picking up Aki.

Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I wanted to thank you so much for all the support. I also just wanted to let you know that there are 2 more chapters after this one before I finish WDTFH.😭 This has been such a fun experience writing this. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I am also planning on posting the last 2 chapters today. I already have the last chapter written and I'm working on next chapter so look out for those later today.

Well, Goodbye, for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


To be Continued

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