Wedding Day

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~Day Of the Wedding~

Hinata's POV

It's the day that everyone has been waiting for. It's me and Tobio's wedding day.

"I still can't believe that I'm getting married to my best friend and the love of my life today." I pace around my dressing room the nerves getting to me and freaking me out. "Calm down, Shoyo," Kenma says to me. He is my "Maid" of Honor. He grabs me and drags me to the couch and makes both of us sit down. "Pacing is only going to make you more stressed. You need to relax and breathe." "Thank you Kenma," I say hugging him.

I then hear a knock at my door followed by a familiar voice asking, "Can I come in?" "Of course Suga san," I tell him. He then enters, walks over to me, and sits down on the other side of me.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" Nervous as heck." "I know how it feels. I was so nervous when I was getting married. But it ended up turning out amazing." "And Shoyo, you have many people here to help you as well," Kenma tells me. "I'm so thankful you guys are here to help me," I say before pulling them both into a hug. "Now you might want to let the other bottoms in before they break down the door," Suga says laughing at the thought. "Okay, Okay. You guys can come in now."

All of the bottoms rush in and join us and it becomes one big group hug. "Thank you guys so much." "I still can't believe our Kouhi has grown up, Ryu." "Neither can I, Yu." They say crying. "I still can't believe Sho kun is getting married today," Atsumu says. 

They all tell me how much they can't believe that I'm getting married today. After a while, they finally release me from the hug and help me get ready. Once I'm done, we have to wait for all the guests to get into their seats. "You guys should get to your seats now," I tell them. "We'll be on our way now," Suga says to me. Of course, Kenma is staying with me because he is my "maid" of honor and Iwazumi Hajime is Tobio's Best man.

(a/n: what Hinata walks down the aisle to.😄😝TeeHee)

(a/n: what Hinata is wearing

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(a/n: what Hinata is wearing.)

As I'm walking down the aisle, I catch the eye of my future husband. He looks really handsome in the suit he is wearing. Once I make it to the gazebo, he takes my hand and kisses it. I can't help but blush and look down.

No One's POV

In the background, the priest is talking. "Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here today to unite these two souls. Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo. (a/n: and yada yada. that's all I know for what priests say at weddings.)

"Now it's time to recite your vows. Kageyama Tobio why don't you start." 

"Okay. Hinata Shoyo when I first met you it was on the volleyball court in a match back in middle school. Back then we weren't on good terms. Same for the first part of our first year of high school together. Back then I was the narcissistic king that everyone said I was." "You sure were," Tsukishima shouts out from somewhere in the crowd. "Anyways. Once I started to get to know and trust everyone, I was able to put that title behind me. You helped me the most with that. Especially since you were able to hit my crazy sets. Then I realized that I loved you in our second year. Eventually, I had the courage to confess to you in the summer of our third year. And ever since then we have been together." He then takes a deep breath. "Just with your warm smile, I fall more in love with you, even more, every day. You have brought out the best in me. That's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you, I want to be with you, I want to grow old with you, there are so many things I want to do with you. I love you so much, Hinata Shoyo. Words can't even express just how much I love you," Kageyama says.

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