3 Weeks before the wedding

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~Time skip to 9 months later(3 weeks before the wedding happens)~

          Hinata's POV

I wake up and realize that there are only 3 weeks until me and Tobio's wedding. I sit up and attempt to shake him awake. "Mmmmm. 5 more minutes," he says before turning over onto his other side. "Babe," I say calmly. "Babe." Silence.  "Baaabe." Silence. I kept trying for another 15 minutes before I decided to just yell in his ear to wake him up. "BABE!" He turns over to face me and gives me a dirty look before he says, "What do you want?" I sigh. He has forgotten about our plans to meet with our wedding planner to finish the rest of our planning for the wedding.  "You forgot we're meeting with our wedding planner today didn't you?" "Wait that was today??!!" "Yup. We have to get up and moving. We're meeting her at the cafe in half an hour." "Shit," he says as he sits up and checks his phone to see the time. "It's already 8? Why didn't you wake me?" he asks as he starts to head to our bathroom. "I would have, but I only woke up a few minutes ago myself." "Well I guess we're not doing our run this morning," he says from somewhere in the bathroom. "Sorry. I thought I set my alarm, but I guess not. Sorry." "It's okay," he says as he comes out of the bathroom and heads to our closet. I walk over and look for something to wear for today. We end up wearing hoodies and jeans.

Once we arrive, we are greeted by our wedding planner, Yachi

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Once we arrive, we are greeted by our wedding planner, Yachi. When she graduated from high school, she went to a school for learning how to do stuff for designing for her mom's company. After she graduated from there she took a position at her mom's company. Once she has had enough experience, her mom said she is going to be taking over running the company. She is helping us plan our wedding. We didn't even know she was going to be helping us plan until we saw her when we first went to meet our wedding planner. I'm actually happy that it was Yachi and not someone else. She knows what we would prefer more than other people.

We see her sitting at our usual table with what we usually order sitting at our spots. Once we sit down, she starts talking to us. "You guys are late. I was starting to get worried that you weren't going to show," Yachi says being a little bit overdramatic. "Sorry, but someone wouldn't wake up for 15 fricking minutes until I yelled in his ear," I say with an eye roll, but Yachi was able to see that I didn't mean it and tried not to laugh. "Pfft. Always the same as always," she says bursting out laughing. Me and Tobio soon follow behind.

Once we finally stop laughing, I say to Yachi, "I really like that dress. Where did you get it?" "Ohh. Thanks, Shoyo. I got it at the new boutique that opened a few stores from here," she says smiling. "I've been meaning to go there. Maybe we could go after we finish meeting?" "Yah and I could invite Shimizu. She's been wanting to go there and go shopping with you again." "Do you want to join me Tobio?" I ask with a pleading look. "You can help me pick out some outfits." "Uhhg. Fine. But don't you think you have enough dresses, skirts, and other things like that?" "Nope," I say smiling brightly. (a/n: Yachi's dress she is wearing is shown below)

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