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a/n: this chapter has some smutt in this chapter this is my first time attempting smutt so please don't judge me. also I will give you a warning when the smutt is coming up.

~time skip to a year and a half later~

Shoyo's POV

"Hey baby I know that you're going to miss me for the three weeks that I'm at volleyball training camp, but you really need to let me go. I'm going to be late." "No," I say as I hug my husband tighter. "Don't worry I'll text you every day." "Fine. See you in two weeks." 

After I get a kiss from him, he leaves. I snap out of the way I was acting and automatically pick up my phone and call Kenma.

S: Hey Kenma guess who has the house to himself.

K: You do.

S: Yup. Do you want to come over and do our game marathon?

K: of course you know I do. We haven't been able to do it since you got married.

S: Sorry about that, but I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity and here it is. There is also plenty of apple pie in our special fridge. (a/n: they have a fridge in Shoyo's house that Tobio doesn't know about where they store everything they need for game marathons when they happen. For Shoyo it's meat buns, and for Kenma it's apple pie. But they keep other food in there as well. They also keep massive stashes of energy drinks because of how long they tend to game for.)

K: OMG. Yes. I'll be over after I pack everything I need.

S: Ok see you then.

~Time Skip to 2 weeks later~

It's been 2 weeks since Tobio went to his training camp for his team. He said he would be back in 3 weeks. I'm really missing him. "When he comes back I have a surprise for Tobio when he comes back," I say out loud with a smirk.

Just a few days ago I went to hang out with the bottoms at the mall. One of the places we went was Victoria's Secret. I got an outfit that I can't wait to try out.

~A week Later 8 am~

I'm scrolling through tik to when I get a text notification. I open it and see it's Tobio.

My love: Hey baby I'm getting ready to board the flight heading home soon

What time will you be home: My baby

My love: ohh I should be home by 5 tonight for dinner

Okay I will have something prepared for when you get home:My baby

"What he doesn't know is that I'm the surprise," I say snickering.

My love: I'll see you when I get home

My love: I love you

See you:My baby

Love you too:My baby

That gives me around 8 hours to do whatever I want before I should start getting ready for Tobio to get home. I sent a timer that is to go off around 4 pm to remind me to start getting ready for Tobio to get home.

~Time Skip to 4 pm~

I'm watching Demon Slayer when my alarm goes off. I pick up my phone, turn off the alarm, pause Demon Slayer, turn off the tv, and walk to the bathroom to start getting ready. I fill the bathtub with rose-scented bubbles and connect my phone to the bathroom's speakers. I start playing my favorite playlist. The song Walls Could Talk by Halsey starts playing.

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