The day after

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a/n: some swearing

~The next morning~

          Hinata's POV:

I wake up to see the sun shining through our curtains. I look around not remembering the events of last night. I look up at Tobio. My hand is resting on his bare chest. On my hand I notice the ring I'm wearing then it all comes flooding back to me, Kiyoko, Yachi, and Kenma dressing me up, Tobio proposing, and us having an eventful night after we got home. (😏😏😉😉)

I sit up feeling a bit sore as I do. Tobio starts stirring right beside me. Once he finally wakes up, I say "Morning." "Morning," he says giving me a kiss. I kiss him back just as passionately. We continue exchanging kisses. Once we eventually pull away, I say, "We should probably tell our family. I know you got our friends in on it." "Yeah. You're right. I did get our friends in it, but we should definitely tell our family." 

We get up and find clothing to put on. I go to the kitchen to start working on breakfast. We finish eating and take care of the dishes. I then walk to our bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. 

By the time me and Tobio have done our usual morning stuff, it's around 8. "My parents should be getting Natsu ready for school by now," I say. (a/n: in my world, they start school around 9ish and end school around 3.) "kay. Do we want to start with them first?" "Sure. I'm just hoping that my father has fully accepted us by now." "Same." 

The first time I told my dad I was gay, he didn't accept me at all. He called me a faggot and said that eventually, I would realize that I would need a girl, not a guy. Eventually, when I brought Tobio over for the first time as my boyfriend, my father wasn't accepting still, but my sister and mother were.  We thought over time that my dad would be more accepting, but we won't know until we give them a call.

Me and Tobio are sitting on the couch cuddling when I say, "I think it's time to call them." "I guess so." I reach for my phone that's sitting on the coffee table. Open it up to do a video call. I tap on my mom's profile, and the phone starts calling. She picks up.

Hinata's Mom: Shoyo, sweetie what's up?

Hinata: Me and Tobio have big news for you guys.

Hinata's Mom: Kay. Let me get your sister and father

In the background: Hinata's Mom: Natsu, __________(Whatever hinata's dad's name is) Shoyo's on the phone.

Natsu: I'm coming. 

Hinata's Dad: Okay.

Back in the phone: Natsu: Nii-chan. Tobio Nii-chan.

Hinata: Hey Natsu.

Kageyama: Hi Natsu.

Hinata's Mom: Soo what's this big news?

Hinata: Should I tell them or do you want to?

Kageyama: Why don't you.

Hinata: Soo. . . Last night Kageyama proposed to me. 

          I hold up my hand showing the ring.

Natsu: Ooh! So pretty.

Hinata's Mom: I'm happy for you, Shoyo.

Hinata's Dad: I thought you would have grown out of this phase already and have found a nice girl to marry. I won't have a son that is a fucking faggot. You're no longer my son. Then again you were never my son anyway.

     I can feel myself starting to cry. Tobio pulls me closer.

Hinata's Mom: ________(dad's name)!!!!

Hinata's Dad: I don't regret anything.

     He walks away from the screen.

Hinata's Mom: I'm sorry, Shoyo. I thought we got over this.

Natsu: Nii-chan, we don't care. I'm very happy for you. I like Tobio nii-chan. He's good for you.

Hinata: Thanks Natsu. Thanks mom. I love you both.

Hinata's Mom: Love you, Shoyo. I'm happy for Tobio to be joining our family.

Natsu: Same here.

After the whole thing with my dad, I couldn't handle it. I burst out crying. Tobio pulls me close and comforts me.

Once I'm done crying, we call his mom and dad first. They're happy with the news. Then we call his sister Miwa. She was happy about it as well.

~Time skip to 2 in the afternoon~

Me and Tobio are sitting on the couch watching some sort of show when my phone starts going off. Tobio picks it up and hands it to me. I see it's a text from Oikawa. "It's a text from Oikawa." "What does it say?" Tobio asks. I open it. It's in the volleyball group chat that never got fully shut down. I start reading it out loud.

flattykawa: Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that me and iwa-chan finally decided on a date for our wedding. It's happening a week from tomorrow. I hope you all will come.

Once I'm done reading it out loud, I respond,

Tangerine🍊: me and Tobio will come.

All the rest of our friends say that they're going to go as well. I say to Tobio, "It will give us a chance to get ideas for our wedding as well." "That's true."

To Be Continued

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