I Hate You for this!😡Kageyama Tobio!😡

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I have a new chapter posted for you. I know that it has been a little while since the last chapter was posted so here it is. But anyways. Lets get into the chapter.


Later on, one of the times that the volleyball was served went out of control and came VERY close to hitting Shoyo. Tobio was so worried that he dropped what he was doing and ran over to Shoyo to see if he and his child are okay. "Shoyo are you okay?" Tobio asks the worry dripping off his words. "I'm fi. . ." Shoyo didn't finish what he was saying. He looked down towards the ground and saw a puddle of liquid under him. "Shoyo?" . . . "Shoyo?" . . . "Shoyo?" . . . "I think my water just broke." 

~At the hospital~

Tobio's POV:

I'm pacing around the hospital waiting for news about how Shoyo is doing. Kemna, Shoyo's best friend, is here with Kuroo, his fiance now. Kenma pulls me over to his as I come back that way with my pacing. "Calm down. Pacing isn't going to make anything go faster. I'm worried too about Shoyo, but the pacing isn't going to help. Sit down," He says pulling me down into the seat next to him. "Now calm down," Kenma says before releasing my arm. I take the time to try and calm my nerves down. Kenma is right. Pacing won't help anything. The reason for my nervousness is because of what happened when we first entered the hospital.

~When They first entered the hospital~

I park the car as soon as we arrive at the hospital. I walk over to the passenger side where Shoyo is and pick him up bridal style. I walk towards the entrance of the hospital and walk in. As soon as I enter, I say, "I need help. My husband is in labor." A nurse walks over to us and has one of those movable bed things. "Okay. Put him on here." I do as the nurse says and set him down on it. The nurse then starts wheeling him away to a room. I ask the nurse where she is taking him and she says that they have to a surgery room because he has to have a c section done on him. I'm not allowed to follow past a certain point because that was the operating room. So I went to the surgery waiting room. I called Kenma because that is what Shoyo wanted when he was going to give birth. Kenma then arrived shortly after with an out-of-breath Kuroo following after him.

~Back to current time~

And since Shoyo was rushed to the surgery room, we have been waiting for any sort of news about what is going on, but we haven't found anything out.

~A few hours later~

It had been at least 3 hours of waiting. I don't know what is going on, and I'm starting to get super worried. But Kenma told me that it can take a while to give birth. That helps me calm down some, but I'm just hoping everything is going fine. 

"I don't know about any of you, but I am hungry," Kuroo says breaking the silence. "Yeah. I could go for a snack. Can you get me an apple pie?" Kenma asks looking up from the game he is playing. "Could you just get me a milk carton?" I ask Kuroo. "Sure," He says heading for the nearest vending machine. "I look down at my phone to see if Natsu has read or responded to my text that I sent after Shoyo was rushed into the surgery room. She hasn't yet. But that would make sense because she is in school right now. I know that I shouldn't call her because she is in class, but I know she would want to be here for Shoyo, so I call her.

Natsu's POV:

(a/n: I know you weren't expecting this.)

I feel my phone vibrating in the middle of class. I just barely pull my phone from my pocket and take a look to see who is calling me and I see that it's Tobio nii. I pull it out all the way and quickly answer. "What's wrong Tobio nii? You don't usually call me while I'm in the middle of class." I hear my teacher ask, "Hinata Natsu, why are you on your phone in the middle of class?" I hold up a finger to tell them that I need them to be quiet for a moment because at that moment Tobio nii responds, "Shoyo is in the hospital giving birth." "WHAT!!!!" I end up saying really loudly. I push out of my seat and quickly stand up in shock. Everyone turns to look at me. My girlfriend, Sakura looks up at me and asks, "What's going on babe?" "Natsu. I wouldn't usually call you in class, but I wanted to tell you this and say that got you and Sakura excused from school for the rest of the day. Please hurry over to xxxxxxxx hospital and I'll tell you more when you arrive." "Okay. Thanks for telling me Tobio nii," I say before I hang up and start packing my bag. "Hinata Natsu, what is the meaning of this?" My teacher asks again. "My brother is giving birth and me and Sakura have been excused for the rest of the day from school," I say telling them. "Okay then. Class get back to work." After hearing that, Sakura starts packing her bag as well and we leave class heading to where we parked our car this morning.

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