Final A/N

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I know that I said that I was going to do a questions and answers on April 1st and that it would be my last post for this but I am sick right now and I am sorry that I didn't get the chance to do that.

But What Does The Future Hold? has finally ended and there will be no sequel. 

If you have any ideas on a new fanfiction I should do, please tell me. It  can be from any anime.(I might not have watched the anime yet, but I will take recommendations on animes I should watch as well.) It can also be any ship. And if you have any ideas of how you want it to be please tell me.

I am still working on writing The Secret Brothers. I don't know how long that one is going to be, but that one might be short and not that good. And for that I am sorry.

Anyways, thank you to whoever has been with me from the beginning of this. I really appreciate it. 

There is not really anything else that I can think of that I need to say. 

Well, Goodbye, And thank you for your support, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


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