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( so Ima apologize before hand if your a gun fanatic.. Idk what I'm talking about so feel free to correct me about anything. But please remember that this is purely fiction)
Kid's profanities lasted a good few days and everyone acted as if this were normal and finally on the 3d day, he slithered out of his cave and back out into civilization. He had a smile on his face the screamed accomplishment and there was a certain spring to his heavy steps. I heard him coming long before he even called my name.
" LADY!!!!!" He hadn't noticed my presence behind him and yelled out once again and as he turned, I was bumped, pushed, shoved to the floor by his arm.
" Hell Lady. Wear a fuckin bell or something. Your like a damn cat, can't walk anywhere without stepping on you." He lifted me up by the arm and I hear Heat snickering from his post against the rail. He then does something familiar to me. He places glass bottles on wood rails proceeds to stand beside them. Kid hands me a holster with pair of twin pistols  hanging from then. grinning like an idiot he also handed me a bunch of ammo to fill them with. He then holds out a wood case full of more bullets, which I assume are special in some sort of way.
" One thing those stupid villagers were good at what grinding shit down to dust and what I found was sea stone dust and guess where i put it." He gives a pointed look at the case and I an assume, these bullets have sea stone but the way he was grinning, he wasn't done.
" Out here, a 22 is only good for learning to shoot and practicing aim since and most of us move on to bigger stronger guns but.. I figured you'd need something small and light since your so tiny so instead of bigger gun, I spiked the ammo." He has a sadistic grin and points at the bottle ahead of us, where Heat stood.
" Shoot it. Heat, better move outa the way." He gives a half hearted warning. " I'm sure she won't hit me boss." It was heartwarming to know Heat had that much confidence in me but Kid made him move anyways. " She won't hit you but her new toy will."
I aimed for a moment and holding the new fire arm up, I relaxed that it is much lighter than the gun I had been practicing with, weighing almost nothing and the draw back wasn't bad either as I fired. Everything seemed normal but I was sure, this wasn't it, Kid was too excited. I couldn't tell the difference until my bullet hit the bottle. It didn't shatter on impact but after a moment, we all realized what he was waiting for had already happened. The bottle had shattered from the inside out. Upon closer inspection, I could see that shards of what looked to be shrapnel now littered the ground. My head spun so quick to stare at my captain and he just laughs. He hold up a single round ready to explain his invention.
" a 22, anyone could walk it off hell, you'd probably be able to brush it off but with these rounds, ain't no one walking it off. They explode with shrapnel on impact, like a rigged impact dial in the form of ammo. More bleeding, more pain, higher death percentage, harder to heal from." He grins with all his teeth showing like hyena. " and I made some with that sea stone power in to so you can at least fight back if a devil fruit users got you. Was a pain in the ass to make but to our enemies, it'll be a pain in the ass to dodge. " He roughly pat my back. " And now our weakest Lady can be dangerous too." The look in his eye was dangerous as if he were challenging me. What kind of man makes something that could literally kill him specifically. I could turn on him and shoot him in the back with this but never the less, he took me in as if i could do no wrong. 
At the time it never occurred to me, why Kid has so much interest in me why he cared so much, why he was so dead set on making me, strong but never-the-less, I couldn't help but let my emotions get the better of me.
Captain got the wits scared out of him when I lunged forward and hugged large torso. Everyone was silent as this happened, frozen, as if i had done something forbidden. Perhaps it was the shock that he was feeling or maybe he was secretly enjoying the moment but Kid was as stiff as a board, frozen in place, and I didn't make up the courage to look up at his face so instead I prompted to say my thanks, with my face hidden in his chest.
" Thank you Captain Kid."  I thought that maybe my thanks would have been too muffled for him to hear but when I stepped away, I could see that his face burned the same shade as his hair.
" I ain't do nothing special. Just don't wanna be worrying bout you every time one of can't be by you in a fight. " He huffs crossing his arms " Ain't noting special bout making sure your Nakama will survive a fight."

I feel a sting in my head for a moment and a memory flashes bring a smile to my face. " Then thank you for making me your Nakama." I'm sure I smiled the brightest smile then. The happiest smile I could muster, in hopes that my captain could feel even a ounce of how grateful I am of him.

" Ne-chan! We'll be together forever cause your my Nakama!" They smiled up at me, cute, just as child should be. Both of my hands holding onto the hands of siblings as we walked on the worn path back towards our home.
" Ne-chan. Please don't ever leave." He hugged me as strongly as his small body could and I pet his head in confirmation.
" We'll always find each other no matter what." They grinned up at me.

A memory from my childhood.

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