'Ohi'a Lehua

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We stayed there even as the sun set. He held my hand tightly as if I would disappear any moment but I didn't mind. All until our moment was broken by one the crew members running telling us that Kid wanted to set sail towards marineford, which was already suspicious in it's self, but as we made our way into the galley to meet up with everyone for a meeting, the air was thick. Kid nods to Killer with one look and I knew, I know that something was happening, something that they don't want me to know.
" Lady. Come with me for now, we'll work out your flower powers." Kid grins at me, ushering me closer but I can see something unfamiliar in his eyes, something that wasn't there before. Fear? Anxiety? No. It's Pity. I recognize it from a memory long ago. It's pity. He pities me, though he's doing his absolute best in not letting me notice, I do but he doesn't let it show in any other way. He pushes me to learn as much about my powers as fast as I can, as if we're running out of time, pushing me harder than he's ever pushed me. He suddenly looked off into the distance where the slight glimpse of land could be seen.
    " Lady. We don't care who you used to be but now, you're one of us. So after shit happens, you come back to us, no matter how far you might be, you come back to us. You're our Lady so you come back to us." He had this serious look on his face that sent shivers down my spine. It was the kind of look he would give Killer when his words were absolute.
" damn. Couldn't get a hang of your powers. You gonna have to rely on your other skills." H motions towards my sword and guns.
"What do you mean Captain. Where am I going?" Still I didn't know why we safe heading towards the marineford. His face is blank. He signed and held my upper arm roughly.
" Your family need you. So you go in there, save them, say goodbye, whatever you need to do. Fire Fist Ace, is being executed." My heart dropped. Ace? My brother? That Ace was going to be executed. Unbelievable. Last I heard, he was a part of white beard's crew, living out his best, most courageous life. But Kid, my Captain wouldn't joke about something like this and that's why he brought the ship out this way. To give me a chance to save him, a chance to say goodbye.
I couldn't find any words. Not one. Not even as I stepped into the small boat and found myself dropped off on the frozen sea.
Everything became a blur as I made my way through the crowd. Some tried to stop me, some made me a path. The first thing I saw was a my brother, our youngest brother about to be killed and in that very next moment, our brother, Ace, has a gaping hole in his chest. Everything was a blur but, I remember the wretched scream that left me. I remember my feet pounding on the ground as I ran. The man marines that tried to stop me on my way. I remember the one marine, the one with his hand through our brother's chest. 

'Ohi'a Lehua. A plant that barley waits for lava to cool before pushing it's way through the rock. A wood that is reluctant to burn. A plant that breaks through lava stone as if it is soil. A strong plant that conquered the fire of the earth and releases it's own fire, a bright red flower, revealing to the world that it had won against the gods of fire.

I don't remember it. How I had ended up there but in a woven dome of my making, I cradled the body of our dying brother in my arms as others carried our youngest to safety. His eyes were barely open and he smiles so softly, so softly that even the wind could have carried him away.
" I always believed in you, that you were still alive." He weakly held up his hand and I grasped it gently to myself. " It'll be ok Ace. I am here." I know that there is no saving him. I know better than any other, that he is accepting the fact that it is his time. " Ace. Rest now. You are loved, you are safe, you will be missed." I whisper leaning down to his head and kissing it softly.
" Ace, thank you for giving me a name and for loving me. In return, I will send you off in a magnificent fire. Not one that burns at the touch but one that will proclaim to the sky's that you, Portgas D Ace, has lived. One that will burn your existence into the mind of thousands. So sleep Ace, and leave the rest to many who love you. Close your eyes and take a breath. Let my 'Ohi'a, take you." He closes his eyes with a subtle smile on his face. From my form, dark branches wraps around him. Protecting him from the rest of the world. green leaves cover the branches and lehua flowers bloom is magnificent red, as if he is burning. As if his fire still burns. The dome around us slowly deteriorating and the people stare. I look around with tears in my eyes. Marines are helping the marine who killed my brother, down from a crucifix of burning wood.  He glares at me ready to do me the same as my brother but a man steps between us.
" Would you allow me the honor of taking care of their remains." He speaks with such authority that I can only nod. He nods back resting a hand on my shoulder. " I don't care what you do with the body. He is gone now, returned to the sky. But you marine." I give one last look at the admiral.
" You best remember me because whether fate and destiny allows it or not, you will die by my hand. Be it tomorrow or 20 years from now, I will come for your head and all will remember that you, a foolish man, a coward of a man, had died at the hands of a lady." I state this once before walking away through the crowd of many. I pass by many faces, some I had seen before and others that I will never see again. I pause for a moment, before a grand man and went on my way. I feel eyes on me as I leave but I pay no mind.

I feel the wind brushing through my hair as we step back onto the ship. People steer clear of me as I make my way to Kid. " I'm ready to become strong. To become the pirate king's sharpshooter, lady of the Kid pirates." Because I have someone to kill. I will make use of the devil if I have to. I'll become a demon if it'll grant me the strength.
Kid grins sadistically shouting out to the rest of the crew and the crew all scream yell in agreement to my statement holing their weapons high into the sky as if we;re promising to the heavens

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