To find a way

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Even with the loads anesthetics and sleep medications, Kid's bed rest only lasted for a little over two days. His wounds still bleeds from the sutures and his mood is more or less deadly. Refusing to use the time to sit, rest, and heal, he's locked himself into his work room ignoring his physically needs as well as his crew's needs for a captain. Even refusing to eat, all we hear from that room is loud curses and loud crashes of what's assumed to be metal scraps. 

" That boy needs to eat or he won't heal properly." Noda proclaimed over and over throughout the day but everyone who even knocks of workroom door gets knifes sent at them. 

" Maybe I should go. At least if I get hurt, it won't be a big deal." Heat yells out in an outrage about how that's a horrible idea. 

" But what's more important! A crew member that will heal real quick or our captain who might die from being a stubborn dumbass?" They all grow silent at what I call our captain. " I'm Parametia type. Most of his attacks though it kill me. I'm pretty sure it'll take a lot to actually kill me and I'm 100 sure that he won't kill me. He might hurt me but he'll never try to kill me. You all know better than me how he is. It'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, Killer or someone can be on stand by to rescue me." I'd persuaded them enough for Killer to pass me a plate of food. They all walk with me towards the door and I knock softly. 

" Captain. I'm coming in. " As soon as I open the door, knives are sent our way, lodging them selves in the door way. I swallow back my fear. Nothing I said was a lie. I highly doubt Kid will kill me but none-the-less, I'm afraid. I give Killer one last look before stepping in and hearing the door close behind me. 

" Get the hell out." Kid growls deathly calm. He's hunches over his desk, staring down at hunk of metal pieces mangled together. I see that his once organized desk was a mess and everything is everywhere. This room is a complete mess. 

" You have to eat Captain or your wound won't heal. " I take a step towards him with the plate but I watch as his eyes meet mine. Hot rages swirling in his eyes. He raises his hand, aiming his sharp took at me. 

" I said get the hell out." I take a step. leading him to nick my cheek with one of his attacks. I make it to his desk, standing on the other side of his desk. 

" Kid you nee" I'm suddenly grabbed by my collar. 

" I AM YOUR CAPTAIN!" He yells pulling me towards himself so close that I could smell his breath. I drop the plate onto his desk and in turn glare at him. 

" Then act like it. you need time to decompress, we agree but you are acting like a child. You know what you need and why you need it. You want to be the pirate king, you want to find one piece but here you are throwing your chances down the drain. That is not our captain. So until you return to your usual self, you are nothing but a pathetic excuse of a pirate names Eustass Kid." It's harsh I know and It's unlike me to say such things to him but I know, he needs it. Just as I needed Killer to give me a reason to live so many months ago. 

He drops me abruptly and I have to catch myself against his desk as he sits down in his chair pulling the plate of food towards himself still glaring daggers at me. 

i see his uninjured hand shaking as he attempts to lift a spoon full of food from the bowl to him mouth. I can't helpl but stare.

" I can't fuckin eat with this hand!" He throws the spoon at the floor and I sigh, making my way towards the door. I slightly open it a crack, seeing boys ready to rush in weapons in hand. 

" Are you ok?" Killer gently brushes his hand across my bleeding cheek. 

" I'm fine. He's calmed down a bit. Can you grab me a spoon and some more bandages?" He looks surprised but nods, motioning for a someone to run and grab what I've asked for. They come back in mere moments and I go close the door again. 

" Will you be ok?" I can't help but to smile at the masked man. " Of course." 

Closing the door, I face the deranged man that's my captain. He's still glaring at me. I spoon some food holding it out to him. 

" Get away from me woman. I aint need you to feed me." He turns his face angrily away but I give him a taunting smirk. 

" So what? are you ganna lap up your food like a dog? Who'd have thought Eustass Kid to be a mutt?" I feel a sense of accomplishment as he he takes the spoonful of food aggressively. 

" Not a word gets out. Just because I'm weak aint mean I aint stronger than you little bitch. Stop acting high and mighty." He speaks through his full mouth and I can't help but smile. 

" I don't care what you call me or what I am so long as your eating." After the painstakingly long time it took for him to finish his meal, I start to redress his wound, wiping away any blood and checking on the stiches. 

" If your so upset about losing a hand, why not make one. Your good at that stuff no?" He motions to the his nub of flesh. 

" Can't" He grumbles 

" Use your powers." 

" Can't" 

" Then learn" 

" No" 

" KID.." 

he grumbles again almost pouting. 

" you can't even eat your food now and if this continues, you'll never be able to do anything on your own again. You probably don't want to hear it but Shank, that emperor beat you with one arm. He's stronger than you even though he only has one arm. Isn't that frustrating? " He gets angry again ready to start yelling but I yank hard on the bandages I'll rolling around his nub making him wince in silence.

" Let me finish." I rolls the rest of the fresh wrapping around his wound and pin it in. 

" To beat him, to be better than him, first be like him. Beat him at his own game no? Not to mention you have something he doesn't, which is your devil fruit powers. Technically, you have the advantage if.. if you figure out how to use what you have."  Gathering everything to take out the room with me, I pat his shoulder as I get up ready to finally  leave him in peace but before I get to the door I hear his voice. 

" Lady, when the fuck did you get so insightful. " I give him one of my usual smiles. 

" When I realized that I have a lot to lose. Now, are you ganna let Killer feed you or do you want me to come bring your dinner too?" He sneers at the idea turning away from me. I chuckle more to myself knowing his answer. 

" What did you say to him?" 

" I just told him to find a way" 

" Tough love?" 

" Tough love learned from the best" I can't help but smile up Kid's right hand man as he takes the things out of my arms before reaching for my hand and pulling me right up against his side as we walk. He sort of nuzzles his chin to the top of my head. I laugh. 

" Are you a cat now? " I can feel the rumble of his chest as he silently laughs. 

" I'll be whatever you want me to be if it makes you laugh." He says this and after this day, his nuzzling became one of his normal actions. 

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