Remember me

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Having a log pose that takes you directly to my destination really makes a trip quick. The only times I have to stop is to get food and water. It only took me a few days, maybe three of straight travelling that I was able to catch sight of the land where everything was happening. I see the fires and the panics. More than anything, I see the strings. 

I let my small little boat land dock and walk into town where I see that everything is in chaos. There's no one here to stop me, no one to help me, no one to save me. me, being myself as well as the citizens of this country. There is no order. The lines between ally and enemy is blurred. 

Even as I walk, no one knows whether I am an enemy or ally. Not even the marines know whether I am good or bad. But I know what the man with the smile looks like, I know the insignia looks like. 

I may have been an insignificant slave, an insignificant girl to his life, one of millions of people, one moment of the years of life he's lived but his smile, he, the man with a great big smile, was the one who bought me. He, the man with the great big smile, was the one who sold me. I will watch his life come to an end. They were already at the end of the show. Everything was already getting wrapped up. I can see the fighting had either hit it's peak or is coming down from a high. What I want to see, where I want to be is where he is. Joker, the man with the smile. 

and so I watched from the roof tops, as he was beat down from his thrown. I'm not as greedy as to take the lime light from one who's fought for this their whole life, one who actually did the work, from Trafalgar Law and Luffy. I'm satisfied with just watching for now and I do, I watch them beat the light out of him. 

and since he still breathes, I follow the marines as they take him away. They surround me. 

" Pirate LADY! get away from the prisoner." A naval officer yells at me drawing their blades and guns. They assume that because I am pirate, I will defend him. I ignore them. 

" Joker. Wake up." I kick him and he stirs weakly. He can barley open his eyes but he grins as if he hasn't just had his ass handed to him. 

"What a surprise. To think I get to wake up to such a beautiful face, Lady." He laughs lowly trying to move but finding it impossible due to his wounds and the chains around his limbs. 

" Call me Doffy. " He chuckles and I drop down beside him cross legged with my sword drawn. 

" Four years ago. You were in East Blue and you bought a slave on an island called Whiskey Peak. It was a coincident that you were there and it just so happened that those bounty hunters caught a worthless pirate girl. You offered to buy her for 5000 berries because you could sell her for more somewhere else." I tap the blade against his chest as more marines show up around us.  I face them. 

 " Sorry, this is a private conversation." I raise my hand and a wall of thorns builds around us. 

" Where was I?" I ask the bound pirate and he laughs. 

" I bought a girl for 5000 and sold her for 100,000 berries." I chuckle. 

" So you do remember me Doffy. You see, I'm a pirate now. I got rid of that slave brand a long time ago. Who would have thought a a girl like me, a lowly former slave would have the chance talk to you like this. Who would have thought.. Did you ever think that you'd see me again?" 

He laughs, out, just as he'd done all those years ago. 

" If I had known you would become what you are today, I wouldn't have sold you to that snobby fool. Who would have thought that brat from East blue would become a notorious pirate. I'm a bit jealous of that Eustass Kid. " He cackles and I glide the blade of my sword across his cheek. 

"I keep trying to convince myself that I don't need to kill you. That I can be better than you but my blood boils just looking at you and you know what? I realize that I don't need to be better than you. We're all pirates, we're the scum of the earth. There are no good or bad, no evil or justice. There is no god to defend ourselves too, there is no hell to send our souls too, there is only life and death. The strong and weak. Don't you agree?" We share a laugh before I stab him in the shoulder. He grunts in pain and his form even shakes a little. 

"Which side do you think I stand on? Am I strong? or maybe you'd like me to heal you so that I can prove to you first hand how strong I am? Maybe we can reenact my capture and see if you can catch me this time, or maybe better yet, I'll catch you? I wonder how many people would pay a pretty penny for such a beautiful, strong  pirates to be their play thing, their slave. Shall we see?" He's gritting his teeth, sneering under his glasses, cursing me to hell. I know because that is what the powerless do, that is what I would do in his position. 

"My my my my my. How you've grown girl. If I were free of these chains, I'd welcome you into the family with open arms. Try it, free me, be my girl. Let's create havoc together." He struggles against his chains and I have to laugh. 

" You see me now Joker. You remember my face, remember my laugh, my smile, my voice. You remember me this time. Remember my name. Layla. Don't ever forget it because I suddenly don't feel like killing you. It would be such a shame to kill such a beautiful human being. I want to watch you fall into despair. Watch you suffer, withering in rage as your power is stripped from you, your strength is taken from you, when you a re force to be weak like the rest of the human race. I look forwards to that day, more than the thought of letting my blade soak in your blood. Imagining your rage filled face, shackled behind bars, unable to do anything, it makes my hands tremble with excitement more than the thought of your lifeless head in my hands." I pull the blade out of his shoulder as he trembles in rage. I lift his head onto my lap and brush my hand through his hair. 

" After everything you've done, do my words make me evil?" I can't help but smile down at him and caress his cheek. 

" Do you think I'm evil Doffy? Do you want me to put you out of the misery that is to come? I'll kill you now if you beg me." I continue to softly touch his face as he glares up at me, sneering like a dog.

" No?" I can't help but laugh a bit as his face pulses in anger, throbbing. He is captured, what the best thing for me to do is to kill him but I can't help it. Maybe it's the sadistic nature that's rubbed off on me or maybe this is my true nature. I know the most insulting and humiliating thing for a prideful, powerful being to be subjected to is to have it all stripped away, to be put on display for all to see, and to become powerless. 

" Maybe, in the future, if you ever escape, you'll come after me? I hope you do. I'll remember you Doffy, for the rest of my life, I'll remember you as the pitiful boy, the glorious yet pitiful boy that had fallen from power. I hope you come for my neck one day. I'll be waiting because next time, I'll put you out of your misery. So until then, I hope you suffer. I hope you know that I'll be laughing, marveling at your misfortunes. " I lean down to his ear and whisper my last words to him. 

" Remember me, for the rest of your miserable life. " 

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