Metal and Wood

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Another day of checking up on the captain. Killer had taken over the captain role for a while but Kid eventually sauntered out the room and started acting like himself again.  What they don't know is that Kid wasn't in there sitting idle, healing his arm. 

" DAMN IT LADY I SAID HOLD IT NOT BEND IT!" Kid's angry yells can be heard to everyone. 

" I DIDN'T DO IT. YOU DID IT YOU FUCKER!" My voice can also be heard as well. 

This became an everyday thing.  I'd go in to feed the emotional captain and then help him to build his new arm. The appendage it's self is larger than life. Quite fearsome if you ask me. 

There's a knock on the door. 

" You guys alright in there? " It's Killer checking up on as he does everyday. 

" WE'RE FINE!" the both of us yell as I try to fix what Kid had broken. As he tried to learn to sensitize his powers, he tends to either get too excited or angry, usually bending or crushing the pieces

" Damn it all to hell." Kid continues to mumble to himself finishing up the delicate work that would complete the project. 

" You know, this is ganna be one hell of a pain to attached it to your shoulder. " He doesn't even glance at me as I say this. 

"You ganna be ok?" He finally replies. 

" I'll be fine. The question is, are you ganna be strong enough to keep me pinned down. I'll be fully awake and kicking this time around." He gives me one of his deadly grin before finally putting down his tools and sitting back in his chair to get a good look at his work. 

" Looks pretty damn good to me. Call Noda and Killer in." I do as I'm told running out the room excited for what about to happen. It's been a full 3 months since that day. All of his wounds have healed leaving behind nasty scars but Kid got over it. I'm sure he's even more excited than me about today. 

" Killer! NODA!!!!" I yell as I race across the deck. The boys run towards me as if there's an emergency. 

" Where's the fire Layla. What's with the yelling. " I breath heavily trying to catch my breath. 

" It's ready and" I gasp for breath. The blond pirate rubs my back. "and we need your help putting it on him. " We'd already planned everything out. We've been ready for weeks now but wanted to make sure it's perfect before attaching it.

" What's ready?" They don't know yet what we had been working on. 

" Kid's new arm." They stare completely astonished and smiles form on their faces. 

" I'll go get Noda and meet you there. " Wire states before disappearing with hurried steps. Killer lead the way back to Kid's workshop. 

As we enter, I see our captain's cleared off his wooden desk sitting against it. " This enough wood Lady?" He asks pointing to the desk. I nod. 

Killer gives us a sceptic look. I go into explaining just as Noda comes in. 

" It's ganna be a pretty easy attachment. just really painful so we're ganna strap him in and Noda is ganna keep watch just incase something goes wrong." I give them a smile as if I haven't said one of the scariest things ever. 

" Why not just knock him out or numb him?" 

" Because he needs to feel everything connecting to know it's working. If we wait until after we attach it, if it doesn't work, we'll have to take it off and re do it all over again." I get to work on wrapping wrapping thick wooden vines around his limbs completely immobilizing him. 

" I'll just need you to hold him down while I attach him arm." I explain as he nods. We'd broken the arm into three detachable pieces so the attachment portion isn't as heavy as it would be. I can see Kid gripping the desk with his free hand, shaking like a leaf. I know he wants this but even I can't help but be afraid. 

" Ready?" he nods and I don't wait another moment. I let my fingers turn to thin little branches and fill the hollow wires that we made before making then puncture my captains skin. Veins make them selves visible all along his neck and face as he does him best to hold back his voice. These wires will work like needle and thread, weaving and winding around his remaining arm bone and shoulder. This was the cleanest way to attach his arm. It required no open wounds and I could control it, following the path of bone, hence the hollow wiring full of my wood. Kid grits his teeth and I'm sure they would have broken if he didn't have a towel between them. 

" Let me know as soon as you feel it connect. No need to go further than I need to." He deosnt have the energy to respond to me but I'm sure he's heard me because Killer nods to me as well. 

By the time, I reach the end, his eyes are barely open. His body pulsing with heat, fighting the foreign addition to his body. 

" Kid.. we're done. I know it hurts but try move it your fingers. " I day this as soon as I combine all the pieces of the mechanical arm. As soon as say this, Killer steps away and we wait for Kid to try anything. I finally smile when I see him clench and unclench him fist, smirking through the pain. 

" It works. It fuckin worked." He exclaims more to himself than anyone else. Noda excuses himself now that the medical aspect of the process seems to be over. Killer helps our captain out of the entanglement of wood. 

" hurts like a bitch but works smooth. Might need to oil a few joint but feel natural." He goes on to bend his elbow, wincing along the way. 

" Now that we know it works, your welcome to as much pain killers as you want." I toss him a bottle only for him to ignore it. 

" I aint need that shit. Just need some booze. " He has an shit eating grin. " And I'm inching to spill some blood." 

That's right, he's battle deprives, for at least 3 months now. Hopefully we find an enemy ship soon. I feel Killer wrapping his arm around my waist, leaning down to whisper a few things to me. 

" I'm glad it worked. I didn't like how he hogged all of your attention." Before I can even react Kid is pushing us out the room. 

" I heard that Killer. i'm the fucking captain. I can hog all the crewmate I want." Kid grins from ear to ear before walking ahead of us towards the deck to show off his newly acquired arm. He looks back once though talking over his shoulder

" but for the next few days she's all your Killer. Take the devil's spawn. I'm tired of seeing her face anyways." I know this is his was of saying thank you. by giving me a break. 

He waves his arm at us shooing us, his new arm of metal and wood. 

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