Laugh to death

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As soon as they saw me, their arms were open. The tears never stopped. For a day and a half, my tears never ceased and when I was finally met in the arms of the two giant crewmates, I wept, wailed even. The only words I could get out were that I'm afraid. Afraid for Killer, afraid for Kid, but as Heat rocked me back and forth, I found that my tears dried and withered until an occasional hiccup left my lips. I finally found the strength to explain everything.  

" Believe in the captain. He's got everything under control. We'll meet them at the ship. We've already found it and it's ready to go. That's the golden rule. If in doubt, go to the ship and if, if they don't show, we'll all go and hell have to wrath on on us. We'll turn the world upside down then tear it apart looking for them. " Wire reassures me as he hands me a new outfit that would fit me better than the prisoners clothes. He hands me a sword as well and a spare pair of pistol. They're not the pair that Kid made me but they'll do until I find them again. My one of a kind treasure. 

With in the day, we started to make our way towards the ocean, where our precious Victoria Punk laid waiting for us. just as the sun began to dip under the sea, I spotted our flag, our jolly roger flying high in the sky and i spotted two figures. One I'd recognize anywhere, his bright red hair and bear like figure. He leaned against the haul of the ship eyes closed tapping his foot impatiently while the other, he had his back to us but without even being told, I knew who it was. 

My legs carried me faster than I would have liked. I didn't mean to but I ran, faster than I had run in a long time. He saw me first, the captain I mean. I don't think he was expecting me to run at them but as soon as he saw me running, he stepped forward smirking like some sort of king and slung an arm across the man's shoulder. 

He He lifted his stub of a arm as if he were ready to catch me and when the other man turned around, I felt emotional. He looked different in the clothes he wore but knew those ocean blue eyes.  

As soon as I was in arms length, I felt like I was flying. I wasn't able to contain my emotions at all. All around me I could see my red flowers flying and falling, all sprouting from my skin. 

An unfamiliar laugh left my lover's lips and he tried to hide it in the crook of my neck as he hugged me but all I could do was hug him even tighter. I reached for Kid to bring him into our hug. 

" What did I say. Our girl will never be alone again." He mumbles more quietly, maybe to keep between us but I shake my head and hug him harder. 

" and then there were three again." I laugh and I hear his laugh again. He covers his face trying to hide it but I take his hands in mine. 

" Killer, remember when you said that you'd hide me from the world if thats what I wanted.. I'll do exactly the same if that's what you really want. but right now, let me see you please." he finally lifts his face to meet my eye. I take his face in mine and slowly place his my own lips on his and after I places kisses all over his face, enough to make him attempt to pull away but I grin holing fast to his head and continue to torment him. I can hear the crew laughing behind me. I peer at our red haired captain to see him snickering I pause a moment to stare into my lover's eyes before abruptly latching onto our captain. 

He yells out comically and I I can also hear the crew laughing behind us. 

" I could have helped you. You didn't have to find everything from me.. If I'm you' guy's girl, let me be apart of the trouble, not just the good times. Let me cry and hate with you just as much as i laugh and love with you." I jump down and grab him by the collar as my feet reach the floor. 

" Don't ever, tell me to run away again, if your going down, I'll go down with you just as I'd win with you. I'm not weak anymore, you know that. I don't need protecting anymore, you know that too. I'm not just your girl, I'm your crew mate, your friend, and I'd like to think we're family." I turn towards the massacre solider

" and you too Killer." 

I let them go. 

" I'll save the both of you any day. isn't that why you fished me out the ocean? " I joke and they grin. 

" What about us Lady?!" I hear a joking voice above us to see Heat and Wire smiling mischievously and I laugh. I lift my arms up to be picked up and Wire does just that.

" I'd save the two of you any day as well." I kiss them both on the cheek and they crack up laughing. 

We find ourselves laughing. Like all is right in the world. Everyone laughing so loudly that you can't distinguish one laugh from another. As if we are still out at sea, enjoying our everyday.

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