2 years

158 11 1

"What the hell were you thinking!" I couldn't help but yell at our captain. Our stupid, ignorant, reckless captain, decided that this attacking one of Big Mom's ships was the best way to announce his comeback. It's only been a little over 2 years since entering the new world and we've already managed to make enemies of 2 out of three emperors. 

" I mean NO disrespect Captain but KID! If worse comes to worse, now we have two emperors on our tail! " Our red headed captain just laughs in my face, probably in the face of danger too. 

" Good! makes things a lot more interesting out here." Huffing, I go back to treating his non bionic arm, then stepping over to Killer who had a large gash across his chest. 

"Are you sure you don't need to rest? Noda can treat us. You fought just as hard as us, reinforced the ship and now your trying to put us back together. I'm sure your running on fumes by now." Never the less, Killer peels his shirt off to show me the extent of his injury. 

" I'm fine. Noda is overworking trying to patch up the others, the least I can do is help you four who aren't as bad. Some of those boys lost limbs and are hanging on to life by the skin of their backs. Noda doesn't need to worry about you guys too. " 

They are by far the most battered i have seen them in a while. When battling Shanks and his crew, we were mostly being played wit, teased by the emperor's crew but this time, our opponents were really going for the kill. We could have lost so many lives if we hadn't killed that commander. That gave us enough time to retreat out of Big Mom's territory. We've docked on the uninhabited side of an island. 

I finish up wrapping Heat's bleeding head and move on to the last of the four. I hold out my hand for him to show me his wound and he holds up him finger. 

" I got a splinter suck it out for me." He jokes and I smack him over the head. I conclude that they don't need anymore treatment and start putting the equipment back into the medical box. I can still hear Kid laughing, discussing with Killer what they had just done. 

" I thought you said you were good. You're still bleeding on your back." Heat points out to me, tenderly. 

" Oh, I'm ok. It doesn't hurt or anything." I feel my shirt being lifted and jump when I feel cold fingers on the skin of my back. I turn my head to try and see who's infiltrator my personal bubble. I find that as always, it's Killer. 

" Pass me the antibiotic and the stiches. It's not closing up on it's own." He orders and I can only give in to his commanding tone. 

" They probably used Haki. Otherwise, it wouldn't be taking you so long to heal. This'll leave a scar far sure." He grumbles and I can't help but laugh before I feel the prick of a needle followed by a couple more. 

" Must be nice not feeling pain." Wire mutters watching closely at Killer stiching my wound. 

" Oh I still feel it, it's just not pain. More like just a feeling. I can literally feel the tearing or the cutting or stabbing. every single centimeter of my flesh being ripped or cut but, I don't feel the pain. just the sensation." I shrug as Killer finishes and Kid is ready to set off on our next adventure. 

" So what's next Captain?" 

" We have a gathering of idiots to get to." WE give him a questioning look and Killer sighs once again having to explain what our captain means. 

" We have a meeting in a few weeks to form an alliance against Shanks. We've been planning this for a while but we finally agreed to meeting in person.  It's us, the on Air pirates, and Hawkin's pirates. It'll definitely be interesting but we'll see how it goes." Killer starts wrapping my midsection along with my wound with bandages before patting my shoulder once done. 

I can feel a headache coming on just thinking about it. Kid apparently still has a grudge against Shanks, though if things were to go my way, I'd rather have a drink with the man. 

" By the way, has there been any word on my brother, the living one I mean." I flip through the papers seeing no news of my brother, it hasn't been that long since they entered the new world but looks like they haven't caused any mayhem yet. 

"Last I heard, they were after some Joker or something. An alliance with the heart Pirates too." Heat mentioned and I nod. I like to keep track of him just in case. 

" That's good then. Thanks." I suddenly remember a errand i need to run. 

" I think I'll head into town before you all at the next island, I'll go and get some vivre cards made so I'm going to need some of your dna if you all want one." I hold out my hand and they all look at me like I've grown another head. They don't seem to know what a vivre card is.

" it's a piece of paper made from out DNA. Once the paper is made, it will always be attracted towards whoever's DNA it was made from so if we ever get separated, we can always find our way back to one another. I'm making one so that the next time I see my brother, I can give him a piece." I explain and Kid nods holding out a blade for me to cut some of his hair.

" It'll be easier if you just gave me a nail or something Kid." I try to reason with him but he hold up his newly polished nails, I forget that he's one for outward appearances. 

In the end, they all give me a bit of their hair and I drop them into a small pouch and I start walking off the deck. 

" Give me an hour or two before you head into town so that I can run these errands and gather information." I start walking off and towards the village just as I had done when I had first joined the crew. I turn back facing my captain. 

" Captain, any rumors you want me to spread while I'm in town?" I ask but I already know the answer, I feel the devil smirk forming on my face

" Start a panic. Tell em all that the Kid pirates are coming." He give me his own deadly smile as I make my way to the unfortunate, unsuspecting town. 

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