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As soon as the door closes behind us, all of the outside sounds disappear and I feel his arm creeping around my waist, pulling me tight against his own body.

" As much as I'd like to believe you, I'm only a man Lady. I can't help but be suspicious, I see you run to Kid, and I get jealous. I hear you, I want to understand, I want to believe you when you say you're doing it for me but I, can't help but to feel all dark and twisty." He murmurs into my ear and I gasp as runs his hand between my breast and firmly holds the body of my neck in his hand.

" I know that you love me and only me. My rational brain knows and understands. My rational brain knows that Kid, he's your best friends as he is mine but I just want you to only ever look for help in me. I want you to expect me to save you, to help you, and to free you. I want to be the only one to ever love you, and kiss you, to make you smile and to make you cry. I want to be the only to ever hug you, to hold you, to touch you." I can feel his breath on my skin.

" So, what am I supposed to do when I know you would never leave me but I can smell him on you or when I can see that his shoulder is wet from your tears?"
My breaths at this point come out in big puffs of air. I'm realizing that this man, as calm as he seems on a day to day basis, he is desperate. I've left him too many times, I've hurt him too many times, and now he is desperate and, dangerous.
He finally spins me in any way but fluidly to face him. He mask already thrown toy the ground.
He runs his hands down my back and in one rapid motion, I'm lifted up with his arms around my thighs and my legs around his waist.

" I'd lock you up in this room if I could and chain you to the bed so that I'd always know where you are." His voice turns dangerously deep and quiet as if he's revealing his most guarded secrets.

" But that wouldn't be nice would it Killer." I brush the hair out of his face to take a good look at his eyes. I never realized what kind of f monsters lay behind his ocean blue eyes, They've always been there, just too smart to ever show itself. I should have known Killer isn't an exception. Everyone on this ship is crazy, bloodthirsty, or a psychopath some better at concealing it than others.

" Yet, you've chained me down Layla, my Lady Layla. You've chained my mind, my heart, my soul to you. My every waking thought is of you. You push me away and disregard me, you leave me behind, but I will never be able to do the same two you, I'll never be free of you. You've chained me to you until death. "

At this point, he's already laid me down as he holds my wrists above our heads.
"So why can't I do the same to you? Chain you to me so that you can never run away? SO that no one will ever question who's woman you are. Who's lips are allowed to touch your skin, and who's hands can trace your scars."
Leaving my hands where they are, he caresses my sides until he gets too the edge of my shirt and I feel his hot hands against my bare skin. I feel his lips peppering my stomach with kisses as his hair cascades around his figure. Making his way up to my neck, I feel his human teeth, bite down on my skin prompting me to suck in a breath and gripping his hair.
He does the same to different portions of my neck, sucking and biting leaving me breathless under him. He traces the lines of my tattoo as if he's memorized the path the ink takes by heart.

He suddenly stops all abuse to my skin and his weight shift.

" Layla. Look at me."

I never even realized that I had closed my eyes but when I look up at him, he looks calm as if it's any other day. His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my nose. I can see just how clear his eyes are. I find myself reaching up to cup his cheek and he leans into my touch.

He doesn't say anything else and simple leans down to capture my lips.

This is it. The feeling I will never tire from. As if all if right in the world. As if nothing could ever go wrong. HIs lips feel rough against mine but I can almost feel his soul through them, his silent words.

His fingers leave a trail of fire behind as they dance across my skin and I soon find myself want to feel the warmth of his skin against mine. I want to feel his heart beating to the same rhythm as mine,  I want to traces the lines of his body, the scars, the muscles. I want to run my hands down his back, barely touching his spine  to memorize the feeling of him. I peel the clothes off of him as he does the same to him. I burn the image of him into my mind, price by piece as envy part of him is slowly revealed to me.
" Killer." In a hushed voice I try to whisper but even a whisper as quiet as a mouse sounds loud with the lack of distance between us.
" say my name again." He must be doing the same as I, memorizing the feel of my body against his, his hands caress every inch of me,
" Killer. Burn me into your mind." He kisses my shoulder and then my ear and finally a chased kiss on the lips.
" I already have."
He reaches below me and in one rough motions turns my world upside down. I find chest faced down, a hand on the small of my back and a hand around my throat.
" Can you feel me." I can. I can feel him shifting my legs to sit between them. I can feel him oh so close to, to my everything, The hand that once rested on my back pull my hips up and against him and slowly, tantinizingly slow finds their way to where I never knew I wanted them.
A feeling builds as gasps leave my lungs. Like wanting something but you don't know what. Like waiting for something not knowing when it'll come. Like an itch so bad yet unable to scratch. it builds and Ican feel him smirking against my skin. I can feel him growing against me. He drags it against me, taunting me or himself I'll never know but his focus remains on me. I grip the sheets above me because I can feel the end coming and this feeeling is something like none other. This feeling seconds from release is an excitement, a desperation, something that no one will ever be able to replicate. Having something so near that my legs shake in anticipation and my hips move as if they have a mind of it's own, hoping to bring the end sooner and just as I could feel the beginning of the end, he stops.
" Cruel isn't it." He sits up, spinning me back around to face him. A shit eating grin plastered on his face. He traces an invisible line up my body with his glistening fingers and entwines them into my hair.  With his free hand he throws one of my legs up over his shoulder and finally leans downI to press his whole body against mine. At an agonizingly slow speed, he fills me a low groan leaving him as he does so.
I can't help but arch my back as this new feeling overwhelms me. Breathless I can only watch him throw half lidded eyes as he adjusts himself and find a better hold on me. His fingers dig into my skin, just barely leaving a mark and his grip on my hair gets rougher with every thrust.
"Layla," he finally says.
" Tell me what you want. Should I torture you again over and over again or I could break you, I'll ruin the rest of your life. You'll never be able to lay with another without thinking of me, without comparing them to me. You'll always want what only I can give you." His eyes are glazed over in lust but I can see them, the beast are waiting for an answer. I know that either way, he with ravish me and take me for his own. Either way, he will enjoy himself in one way or another and so I don the only thing I can do.
I reach up and pull his face towards myself slamming our lips together.
" you are, obsessed with me" I give him my best smirk and a deadly looks fills his eyes.
" you have no idea."

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