Birthday Special - Lithuania

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I am so sorry I didn't post this earlier! I wanted to finish book one before I started book 2 and I already had the final 4 oneshots planned out.

The idea for Lithuania's oneshot belongs to my friend on Discord.


I smiled as I knocked on the door to Ivan's house. It was Tolys' birthday and I wanted to do something special for him. The door was soon opened by the Russian male, "Привет, (Y/n). What can I do for you today?"

"Hello, Ivan! Is Tolys available? I want to do something special for him for his birthday. IF that's okay with you."

"Of course, (Y/n). I know to make Lithuania's birthday good. Want to know, da?"

I nodded, "How can I make this day special for Tolys?"

"My little Lithuania's got a crush on you, da? So confess to him, da? That would make his day."

"Oh. Really?"

He nodded, "Da." He then turned around, "Lithuania! Someone's here to speak to you!"

Within the minute, Tolys appeared in the doorway, "(Y/n)!"

"Hey, Tolys. Happy birthday by the way."

"Thanks, (Y/n)." Before he could say anything else, I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house and down the street.

"(Y/n)! Where are you taking me?"

I finally let go of his hand, something I was somewhat sad about, and replied, "You've been overworked, Tolys. You told me the last time I came over that Ivan was working you too hard, so I'm taking you out today so you can relax. Come on, I know a really good coffee shop!"


I smiled and the two of us continued towards the coffee shop. We walked up to the counter, but before Tolys could say anything, I spoke, "Get whatever you want, Tolys. I'm paying for everything. It is your birthday present."

"O-Oh... Okay, are you sure, (Y/n)?"

I nodded, "Yep! Now order something."

We both ordered and then went to sit down. A few minutes later our drinks were brought to us and they were amazing as usual, "How's the coffee, Tolys?"

"This is amazing. You weren't kidding when you said this was a really good coffee shop."

"Did you think I was?"

"No! Just that I wasn't expecting it to be this good!"

We continued to drink our orders and once we'd finished we left the shop and walked to the local park. Ivan's words continued to float around in my mind the entire day and I decided; I would take Tolys to the local park, then we'd walk around for a bit and just as we were about to leave, I'd confess to him!

We walked around the park for a while, eventually deciding to sit down on a bench overlooking the lake in the park. I then decided to speak, "How are you finding your birthday so far, Tolys?"

"This is great, (Y/n). Thank you for spending time with me."

"What are friends for? What kind of best friend would I be if I forgot to spend time with you on your birthday?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he replied, looking away from me.

Shit! I just friend-zoned him... Twice!

"Well, I should head back. Mr Russia might need something," he continued, standing up and going to walk off. Shit! Well, it's now or never. I stood up and ran after him. When I caught up to him I grabbed his hand and turned him around, smashing my lips to his. His eyes widened but that didn't stop him from kissing me back. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling him move his to around my waist. I soon broke off, due to lack of oxygen and leaned my head on his (shoulder/chest/forehead - depends on your height), whispering, "I love you, Tolys. I have for a long time."

"I love you too, (Y/n). I have for a long time also."

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