Birthday Special - Romano

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Finally thought of one for Romano. Here it is. Also note: You're Spain's sister in this.


"Come on, Hermana! You have to come!"

"Nope, I'm not coming, Toni. I don't want to be shouted at by Lovino again. You remember what happened last time, right?" He nodded, "I know, (Y/n), but it's just Lovi being Lovi. He pretends like he doesn't care about anyone but inside he does-"


"Yeah, Tsundere. That's what he is. Come on. For Feliciano and Francesca at least?"

"Fine. But if Lovi tries anything, I'm out immediately."

"Si!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house and towards the Italians'. We soon arrived and Feli immediately grabbed us and dragged us inside. I chuckled, "Happy birthday, Feli!"

"Grazi, Bella!"

He let us in and we noticed a variety of other nations already here. However, around 2 in afternoon, I noticed Lovino slipping away upstairs, looking slightly deflated. I looked around and no one noticed that he had snuck away. I smiled slightly and followed him. I got up the stairs just in time to see that he'd closed the door to his room. I sighed, knowing fine well why he was upset. Everyone had been paying attention to Feli and Francesca and was ignoring him. I walked to the door to his room and knocked, "Lovino, can I come in?"

"What do you-a want, ragazza?"

I sighed, "Lovi, I want to talk."

"Fine, come-a in."

I smiled and entered, closing his door behind me, "Lovi? Are you okay?" Instead of replying, he just pulled me into him and cried onto my shoulder, something I was not expecting. I smiled sadly and started stroking his back, "Shh, just let it all out, Lovi. Come on, why are you crying? You shouldn't be crying on your birthday, Lovi."

"Ragazza, do you prefer Fratello over me?"

"Why would you even think that?! Listen, Lovi. I love you. Truthfully. I love you."

"Really, Bella? You-a sure you-a wouldn't rather go out with mi Fratello?" he asked, letting me go and looking me in the eyes.

"Mhm, I love you Lovi. So so much. Happy birthday."

That was all he needed to pin me down onto his bed, "Ti amo." I giggled and leaned up from my position and kissed him. I soon fell asleep on Lovi's bed, having not got a very good sleep the night before with Toni constantly pestering me about one thing or another. Seriously it's like he's some sort of demon thing that doesn't need to sleep.


However, I was soon awoken by the sound of a camera snap. My head shot up from its position on Lovi's chest... Wait a minute! Wasn't he on top of me before?! Oh well, I guess he must have moved me, to see my brother smirking, Feliciano with a wide grin on his face, Francesca with her eyes wide open and mouth agape, Kiku holding a camera and the rest of the nations either shocked, smirking or with smiles on their faces. I turned back to Lovino to see him with an angry look on his face, "Get out you-a bastards!" I giggled and pecked his cheek, making Antonio start to fangirl.

"Lovi, I'm tired," I whispered out before snuggling into him, catching one fial glimpse of Lovi putting his middle finger up at the rest of the nations, "Leave, you-a bastards, before I kill the lot of-a you!" I heard them run off and I snuggled into him, "I love you, Lovi."

Ti amo, anch'io, Bella," being the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep, glad I could make Lovi happy.

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