Bluebell Woods - England

51 4 0

Requested?: No

Prompt: None, except England's character song, which gave me this idea

Type of oneshot: MASS FLUFF

Song Used (If Songfic): None

Reader's Relations: England's girlfriend

AU?: Modern AU (so all countries are just regular humans)

Warnings: None that I can think of at the moment

Other notes: None that I can think of except I'm finally getting back into writing Hetalia oneshots, but please give me requests so I can write more!


I smiled and readjusted my position from lying on Arthur's side, making a little as I woke up from my small nap.

"Have a nice sleep, Love?" he asked, putting his phone down quickly as if he didn't want me to see what he was doing on it.

I nodded, "Yep, you're a very comfortable pillow, Artie."

"I see. Want to go for a walk?" he questioned as his phone pinged again. I looked at him with confusion on my face before it turned into a glare as he picked it up and started typing.

"Why not? It's a great day. Where too, Artie?" I responded, standing up and stretching. I didn't get a response from the Englishman right away as he turned back to his phone again. I growled and rolled my eyes, "Arthur, I'm your girlfriend! Pay attention to me!"

"Sorry, Love. It's just Alfred being an idiot again. I have an idea of where to take you so go and put your shoes on and wait for me at the door."

I nodded and pecked his cheek before walking out to the door and putting my shoes on, out of the corner of my eye, catching Arthur running up the stairs. A few minutes later he returned and we were out the door, but instead of walking somewhere, Arthur walked to his car and motioned for me to follow. I was still slightly confused but followed and got in the passenger seat, "Arthur, I thought you said that we were going for a walk, why are we in the car?" I asked as he started it up, and started driving once we'd both put our seat belts on.

"I guess I can't hide it for much longer. There's this beautiful flower forest that Francis told me about that's nearby, and I wanted to show you it."

"Aww, Artie you're so sweet! But how do you know Francis wasn't lying to you?"

"When he first told me I went to check it out myself, and it reminded me of you, so I had to show you. Now I just need to remember how to get there..."


"Oh wow... they're so pretty! I love bluebells."

"Just like you then, (Y/n)."

I felt a small blush appear on my face and I smiled, leaning up and pecking his cheek, "I love you, Artie. So much Thank you for bringing me here."

Before he could reply, his phone pinged again and he took it out of his pocket, causing me to roll my eyes, "So... am I just supposed to look myself then, Arthur?"

"Sorry, Love," he responded, placing his phone back in his pocket, "Follow me, there's something better I have to show you." I smiled and nodded allowing him to lead me through the mass amounts of bluebells until we reached a small clearing where I saw a picnic basket set out.

"Come on, Love. This is for you."

My smile increased massively and I nodded as we both walked towards the picnic set and sat down.


"(Y/n), you know I love you, right?" I nodded as he continued, "Well... I wanted to ask you how you'd feel about being mine forever and becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" he asked, pulling a small box out from his pocket and kneeling on one knee in front of me.

My hands went to my mouth immediately from shock and nodded, starting to cry from happiness, "Of course!"

Arthur let out a sigh of relief and placed the ring on my finger, leaning in and kissing me, something I happily returned, wrapping my hands around his neck.

------------END OF ONESHOT

Hehe! Back to what I said at the beginning of the oneshot, please give me requests so I can write more hHetalia oneshots!!


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